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Continuing Catholic Education 2011-2012 March 25 2012.

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1 Continuing Catholic Education 2011-2012 March 25 2012

2 Esther - Overview Background – Exile to Post-Exile Timing – Same time as Ezra and Nehemiah Context – A Queen becoming an Instrument of God Main Themes – God’s Providence – God’s Time - Kairos – Everyone has a role in God’s plan

3 Story of Esther King Xerxes celebrates his wealth with He asks Queen Vashti to celebrate with him on the 7 th day of feast; she refuses and get banished Esther, an orphan Jew is chosen to be Queen Esther’s preparation for 12 months before meeting King Esther’s cousin Mordecai saves King from a plot His name is written in the royal record Hamaan is annoyed at Mordecai since he refused to kneel before him Hamaan orders execution of all Jews

4 Story of Esther Mordecai asks Esther for help Esther was reluctant at first (4:14) Esther prepares a banquet for King and Haaman Record books are read to King Esther reveals King that she is a Jew King orders Haaman to be hung

5 Esther and Me God’s Providence in mysterious ways Preparation time- KAIROS Submit to God’s time Esther found favor before God through obedience Esther was an orphan, she ended up in Palace Esther became an instrument in God’s Salvation Plan Each of us have a specific role in God’s plan Even though God’s name is not mentioned in this Book, he is always there acting through Mordecai, Esther etc.

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