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 the natural environment of an organism  Everything that surrounds and affects an animal, including living and nonliving things.

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Presentation on theme: " the natural environment of an organism  Everything that surrounds and affects an animal, including living and nonliving things."— Presentation transcript:


2  the natural environment of an organism

3  Everything that surrounds and affects an animal, including living and nonliving things

4  All the populations that live in the same area

5  how everything in an environment can exist together.

6  The actions or reactions based on external or internal conditions. 

7  A behavior that an animal begins life with

8  instinct you are born with

9  actions you learn from experiences

10  the struggle to stay alive

11  the ability of a species to survive in a particular environment brought on by changes within that environment.

12  a change or difference in characteristics based on environmental influences.

13  to copy or create something new

14  have a benefit over another

15  to gain something good

16  the ability for an organism to live because an it is better adapted than another.

17  something in the environment that doesn’t belong that is harmful

18  overflow of something, such as water.

19  a condition that is abnormal or harmful

20  to keep safe from danger or harm

21  to avoid wasting or endangering something

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