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The Temple in the Time of Jesus

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Presentation on theme: "The Temple in the Time of Jesus"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Temple in the Time of Jesus
The Temple of Israel The Temple in the Time of Jesus

2 Temple Mount with Antonia Fortress

3 Temple with Courts

4 Temple Floor Plan

5 Herod’s Arches

6 Courts with Underground Steps

7 Warning Stone to Gentiles

8 Temple Proper with Solomon’s Porches

9 Porches with Meeting Rooms

10 Alter of Sacrifice in the Court of the Priests

11 Perspective of Walls Today

12 Temple Steps Perspective

13 Temple with Holy Place

14 Holy Place at Night

15 Inside the Holy Place with Veil

16 Western Wall with Dome Mosque

17 Western “Wailing” Wall with Seprations

18 Destruction of the Temple in A.D. 70 by Titus

19 Arch of Titus in Rome

20 Romans Carrying Away Temple Artifacts

21 Jerusalem Today Sight of the Future Temple

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