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Early Indian Mathematics Early Mathematical Contributions from India.

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1 Early Indian Mathematics Early Mathematical Contributions from India

2 3000 BC Highly Ancient Indian Culture Harappan Civilization Archaeological Excavations at Mohenjo Daro Northeast of Karachin in Pakistan Indus Valley

3 Wide Streets Brick Dwellings Apartment Houses Tiled Bathrooms Covered City Drains Community Swimming Houses Indus Valley

4 Systems of Counting Writing Weights and Measures Indus Valley

5 3000 BC Traded with Sumerians and Akkadians in Babylonia No Written Mathematical Documents from this Era Indus Valley

6 Aryan Settlement– 1800 B.C.  Crossed over Himalayas into India  Sanskrit word for “nobleman” or “owners of land”  Some wandered into Europe  The rest extended settlements throughout India  Perfected written and spoken Sanskrit  Introduced Caste System

7 Vedas – Sacred Texts  1500 B.C.  Vedic People entered India  From region that is currently Iran  Vedic Mathematics is contained in Sulbasutras  16 Sutras – Rules for Arithmetic  Gained in Popularity in 1900’s and again in 1980’s

8 You try! 1. Multiply 134 x 246 2. Multiply 942 x 108 3. Multipy 450 x 123 1.2,10,6+12+8,18+16,24 = 2,10,26,34,24=32964 2.9,4,74,32,16=101736 3.4,13,22,15,0=55350

9 Vedic Mathematics  Base 10  Invoked powers of 10 from 100 to 1 trillion  Included Rules for  Addition  Subtraction  Multiplication  Division  Fractions  Squares  Cubes  Roots

10 Jaina Mathematics  600 BC – 1700 AD: Jainism religion and philosophy founded in India  Replaced Vedic religion  Surya Prajnapti and Jambidvipa Prajnapti – 400 B.C Texts  Bhagabati Sutra – 300 B.C. mathematics text regarding combanitorics  Sthananga Sutra – 200 B.C. mathematics text  Number Theory  Arithmetic  Geometry  Simple linear, cubic equations  Combinatorics

11 To Infinity and Beyond  Jainan religion concept of time and cosmology  Was thought of as eternal and without form  World was infinite – never created, always existed  Space pervades everything – without form  Were fascinated with large numbers

12 Large Numbers in Jaina  Cosmology – time period 2 588  Construction to stretch mind  Start with Cylinder with radius = radius of earth  Let h be the height  Let n = number of mustard seeds that can be placed in this container  Still the highest enumerable number has not been attained  “Infinity is bigger than that”  5 different types of infinity  Infinite in one direction  Infinite in two directions  Infinite in area  Infinite everywhere  Perpetually Infinite

13 Aryabhata – 476 AD – 550 AD  Aryabhata 1  Wrote Aryabhatiya – mathematical and astronomical text  33 verses on mathematical rules without proof  25 verses on time and planetary models  50 verses on spheres and eclipses

14 Aryabhatiya - Mathematics  Arithmetic  Algebra  Trigonometry on a plane  Trigonometry on a sphere  Continued Fractions  Quadratic Equations  Sums of Power Series  Table of Sines

15 Aryabhatiya-Mathematical Contributions  Calculations with zero  Euclidean Algorithm  Accurate approximation of pi = 3.141  Table of sine for each 3.45 degrees  Introduced Cosine  Sum of first n integers, first n squares and first n cubes  Believed earth rotated on axis  Believed Moon and Planets shine by reflected sunlight  Correctly explained eclipses  His value for a year = 365 days and 6 hours ( > actual value by minutes)

16 Brahmagupta –598 - 668 A.D  Mathematician and Astronomer  From Rajashtan – Northwest India  Head of Astronomical Observatory at Ujjain in Central India  Elliptic Verse Mathematics  Poetic Ring

17 Brahmasphutasiddhanta  “The revised system of Brahma”  Mostly Astronomy  2 Chapters devoted to Math  Algebraic Method of Inversion: “Beautiful Maiden with beaming eyes, tell me, as thou understands the right method of inversion, which is the number which multiplied by 3, then increased by ¾ of the product, then divided by 7, diminished by 1/3 of the quotient, multiplied by itself, diminished by 52, by the extraction of a square root, addition of 8, and division by 10 gives the number 2?”

18 Hindu Mathematical Writing  Unlike Modern mathematics, addition was indicated by juxtaposition, rather than multiplication.  Subtraction: dot over the subtrahend  Multiplication: writing bha after factors  bhavita “product”  Division: writing divisor beneath the dividend  Square Root: writing ka  karana “irrational”  Unknown: writing ya  Yavattavat “so much as”  Known integers: Ru  Rupa “the absolute number”

19 Hindu Mathematical Insight  Hindus included negatives and irrational numbers  Recognized quadratics had two formal roots  Solved quadratics by completing square  Geometry was empirical  Brahmagupta and Mahavira extended Heron’s Formula

20 Brahmagupta’s Formula

21 Find the area of the quadrilateral below. Identify if it’s cyclic first.

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