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Digestion & Absorption TOPIC 6: HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY.

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1 Digestion & Absorption TOPIC 6: HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY

2 Learning Targets 1.The pancreas secretes enzymes into the lumen of the small intestine. (Students should know that amylase, lipase and endopeptidase are secreted by the pancreas. The name trypsin and the method used to activate it are not required.) 2.Enzymes digest most macromolecules in food into monomers in the small intestine. 3.Villi increase the surface area of epithelium over which absorption is carried out. 4.Villi absorb monomers formed by digestion as well as mineral ions and vitamins. 5.Different methods of membrane transport are required to absorb different nutrients. 6.Processes occurring in the small intestine result in the digestion of starch and transport of the products of digestion to the liver. (Students should know that starch, glycogen, lipids and nucleic acids are digested into monomers and that cellulose remains undigested.) 1.Explain processes occurring in the small intestine that result in the digestion of starch and transport of the products of digestion to the liver. 2.Use dialysis tubing to model absorption of digested food in the intestine. 3.Produce an annotated diagram of the digestive system. 4.Identify tissue layers in transverse sections of the small intestine viewed with a microscope or in a micrograph.

3 Topic 6.1: Digestion & Absorption (4 hours) What do you know? Complete pre-assessment to find out! Review unit learning targets. Annotate command terms. Define key vocabulary – use pictures, etc. Read strategically – outline the text. Color code! Stations to help: Microscope & slides Crash course – use headphones Additional resources on Weebly

4 Everything comes down to poo. Digestion: the process of breaking down food by mechanical and enzymatic action in the digestive tract into substances that can be used by the body. Egestion: The act or process of voiding or discharging undigested food and waste as feces The basics of digestion.


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