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Presentation on theme: "LATIN MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY SYSTEMA CARDIOVASCULARE 2015/16 Spring semester Répás László."— Presentation transcript:


2 GENERAL INFORMATION  Teacher: Répás László  Email:  Edu Center Room 312.  Neptun  Handouts  Download:  Print it out, bring it to every class

3 REQUIREMENTS  Attendance: maximum 2 absences  1 Test: Week 14  Word tests weekly(10)  10 --> min. 8 words  1 point  Max 10 bonus points  Added to the test score  Total final score: min. 60 %  60-69 %  270-79 %  3  80-89 %  490-100 %  5

4 WeekTopics covered 1Class introduction 2Cardiovascular system 1 – Anatomical terms 3Cardiovascular system 2 Blood vessels 4Cardiovascular system 3 Greek prefixes, suffixes 5Clinical terms 6Respiratory system 1 7Respiratory system 2 – Clinical terms 8Respiratory system 3 9Digestive system 1 10Digestive system 2 11Digestive system 3 - Clinical terms 12Digestive system 4 – Clinical terms 13Revision 14End-term Test 15Evaluation

5 COR  CORDIALLY= coming from heart


7 ATRIUM  The atrium was the most important part of the Roman house, where guests were greeted


9 APEX  The top or highest point, the pointed end of something

10 SEPTUM  Hedge, fence

11 OSTIUM, ORIFICE  Opening, entrance

12 SINUS  Bay, hollow space

13 FOSSA  depression or hollow

14 SULCUS  A deep, narrow furrow or groove

15 TRABECULAE  Small beams

16 The heart (cor) is the main organ of __________________ and is situated in a space called the ______________ in between the lungs. The upper part of the heart is the ______________ including the two smaller chambers, _______________ _____________ and _______________ ______________. The lower part of the heart is the __________________ that consists of two larger chambers, the _________________ ______________ and ______________ ______________. The right and left atria and ventricles are separated longitudinally by a thick wall called the _______________. The wall between the atria is ______________ ________________ the one between the ventricles is the _______________ ________________. The heart is surrounded by a sac called the __________________. The wall of the heart consists of three layers. The inner membrane of the pericardium covers the heart wall: this is the _____________________ The middle layer is the heart muscle proper (__________________); and the innermost membrane lines the chambers and valves (__________________). By contraction or _______________ and relaxation or _______________, the heart, continuosly pumps blood. mediastinum interventricular septum pericardium apex systole circulation septum endocardium right atrium diastole cor myocardium basis epicardium left atrium right ventricle left ventricle interatrial septum


18 Superior vena cava and ______________ _______________ ___________ bring deoxygenated blood into the _________________ _________________ from the whole body and then blood is pumped through the ________________ _________________ to the _______________ ____________. The blood is pumped from right ventricle through the _______________ _____________ to the _____________ _______________ (pulmonary artery) and to the lungs (____________). After gas exchange righ and left _______________ ______________ bring oxygenated blood into the _____________ ______________. From the left atrium blood flows through the ______________ _____________ to the _____________ ______________. Ventricular ______________ propels oxygenated blood through the _______________ _______________ to the largest artery or aorta which carries blood to all of the body. The first part of the aorta is ascending aorta, then it continues as aortic arch then it turns downward as descending aorta. tricuspid valve pulmones right and left pulmonary veins left ventricle systole bicuspid valve pulmonary valve superior vena cava left atrium inferior vena cava right atrium right ventricle pulmonary trunk aortic valve aorta

19 apex cordis atrium cordis dextrum atrium cordis sinistrum ventriculus cordis dexter ventriculus cordis sinister septum interventriculare epicardium myocardium endocardium vena cava superior vena cava inferior valva atrioventricularis dextra = valva tricuspidalis valva trunci pulmonalis truncus pulmonalis arteriae pulmonales dextrae arteriae pulmonales sinistrae

20 venae pulmonales dextrae venae pulmonales sinistrae valva atrioventricularis sinistra =valva bicuspidalis = valva mitralis valva aortae pars ascendens aortae arcus aortae truncus brachiocephalicus arteria carotis communis sinistra arteria subclavia sinistra

21  2. Choose the correct term that makes the sentence true.  The two main veins entering atrium dextrum are the vena cava superior et inferior / venae pulmonales dextrae et sinistrae.  The innermost layer of the heart wall is endocardium/myocardium.  Truncus pulmonalis carries oxygenated / deoxygenated blood to the lungs.  Venae pulmonales dextrae et sinistrae bring oxygenated/deoxygenated blood from the lungs.  The main artery raising from the left ventricle is the aorta/truncus pulmonalis.  The left atrioventricular valve is also termed as valva tricuspidalis / mitralis.

22  3. True or false?  The right atrioventricular valve is termed as valva bicuspidalis.______________________  Systole is the relaxation phase of the heart muscle.______________________  Apex cordis is at the upper part of heart.______________________  Valva bicuspidalis is also termed as mitralis. ______________________  Septum interatriale divides the heart at the two upper chambers.______________________


24 6. Form the Plural Nominative form of the following terms. Sing. Nom.Plur.Nom.Sing. Nom.Plur.Nom. vas, vasis nvasaspecies, speciei f_________________ pulmo, pulmonis m_________________truncus, trunci m_________________ vena, venae f_________________apex, apicis m_________________ septum, septi, n_________________valvula, valvulae f_________________ sinus, sinus m_________________atrium, atrii n_________________ arteria, arteriae f_________________thrombus, thrombi m_________________ DeclensionI.II.III.IV.V. Genderfmnm/fnmnf Sing. Nom.-a-us / -er-um /-onmixed -us-u-es Sing. Gen.-ae-i -is -us -ei Plur. Nom.-ae-i-a-es-a-us-ua-es Plur. Gen.-arum-orum -um -uum -erum

25 7. What is the Singular form of the following Plural terms? arteriolae_________________________capillares_________________ valvulae semilunares_________________________bases_________________ emboli_________________________venulae_________________ foramina _________________________chordae tendineae_________________ trabeculae carneae_________________________fossae_________________ DeclensionI.II.III.IV.V. Genderfmnm/fnmnf Sing. Nom.-a-us / -er-um /-onmixed -us-u-es Sing. Gen.-ae-i -is -us -ei Plur. Nom.-ae-i-a-es-a-us-ua-es Plur. Gen.-arum-orum -um -uum -erum

26 diaphragmatic _____________________ pulmonary ________________________ right coronary _____________________ right atrioventricular ________________ bicuspid __________________________ interatrial ________________________ trabeculae ________________________ chordae __________________________ papillary _________________________ fossa ____________________________ sinuatrial _________________________ aortic ____________________________ orifice arch carneae node septum ovalis surface trunk valve sulcus tendineae muscles 8. Match the parts of the anatomical terms.

27  9. Give the noun from which the adjectives are formed. aortic aorta fibrous______________ brachiocephalic_______________ venous_______________ cardiac_______________ arteriosus_______________ pulmonary_______________tricuspid_______________ papillary_______________carotid_______________ coronary_______________diaphragmatic_______________ septal_______________ sternocostal_______________ + ______________ atrioventricular________________+ ______________ semilunar_______________


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