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Adding Integers. What is a Rule? In your DO NOW section, answer the following questions: – What is a rule that you have to follow at home? – What is a.

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Presentation on theme: "Adding Integers. What is a Rule? In your DO NOW section, answer the following questions: – What is a rule that you have to follow at home? – What is a."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adding Integers

2 What is a Rule? In your DO NOW section, answer the following questions: – What is a rule that you have to follow at home? – What is a rule in math? – Why are rules important? – Create a definition for the word rule. – If you could create a rule, what would it be and why?

3 Learning Essential Question How can I add positive and negative integers?

4 Today’s Announcements Happy Halloween! Tonight’s homework: Complete worksheet Remember: 2 nd Marking Period starts this week! Let’s all start out with A’s!

5 Unit 3’s Bank Account During this unit we are going to practice balancing a checkbook! This ledger should be put in your class notes section of your binder. You will need it every day for the next 3 weeks! Your ledger will be collected at the end of the unit and graded

6 Unit 3’s Bank Account You have been paid $1000 for coming to class today! Look out for this man: – When you see him, that means we are making a transaction, and we need to update our ledger

7 Unit 3’s Bank Account Vocabulary Deposit (+): when you put money into the bank Withdrawal (-): when you take money out of the bank. When you spend money.

8 Adding on a Numberline Start on the first number. If the second number is positive, move that many times to the right. If the second number is negative, move that many times to the left. 3 + 5

9 Happy Halloween! You decide to order a costume online The costume cost $36.55. There is also a $4.75 shipping fee Is this a withdrawal or deposit

10 -4 + -5

11 5 + 3

12 -8 + 0

13 Time for a new winter coat… What’s with the weather lately? Its FREEZING! You go to the mall to buy a new winter jacket. The jacket cost $89.35 Is this a withdrawal or deposit

14 -2 + -7

15 Integer Football Group Practice ootball.html We will play for 7 minutes - Come up with the answers at your table

16 Organizer Create the following Organizer: Today we are going to fill out the LEFT side Adding NegativesAdding One Negative and Positive

17 What is our Rule? 9 + 4 = 13 8 + 7 = 15 6 + 3 = 9 -9 + -4 = -13 -8 + -7 = -15 -6 + -3 = -9 What is the same about the 2 boxes? What is different?

18 ADDING 2 NEGATIVE NUMBERS RULE: -8 + -2 -3 + -6

19 ADDING NEGATIVE NUMBERS Copy the following questions underneath your notes AND SOLVE: -6 + -4 -4 + -5 -5 + -9

20 It’s Your Lucky Day When you were walking home from school you found $8 on the ground. Will you deposit the $8 or withdrawal the $8? Update your ledger!

21 Independent Practice Take out a piece of paper and divide it into 4 sections. Number it like you see below. Did you know the way this is number is the way a coordinate graph’s quadrants are labeled? 21 34

22 Independent Practice Inside your envelope you will find 4 practice problems. Each group member must solve ALL 4 practice problems and put them in the correct spot on their papers. This will be handed in before leaving the classroom

23 What could the rule be when you have one negative number and one positive? -9 + 6 = -3 5 + -3 = 2 -8 + 7 = -1 4 + -6 = -2


25 ADDING 1 NEGATIVE NUMBER and 1 POSITIVE NUMBER Copy the following questions underneath your notes AND SOLVE: 6 + -7 -4 + 8 5 + -9

26 PICK A SIDE! Directions: – One student in your pair will be given a card. – Both will solve the card. BUT DON’T TELL YOUR PARTNER YOUR ANSWER!! – When I say, the partner with the card will come up and stand on the correct side. Positive answers will stand on the right side, negative numbers on the left side. – When everyone’s up, the other partner will check to see if their partner is correct. – If the partner isn’t correct, partner sitting down gets to switch places with them.


28 Independent Practice Answer Question A on page 24 in Accentuating the Negative in the textbook. ALL Questions!!! Remember: Teach everyone in the group! Participation is about how you work together!

29 Summarizer! On the Sticky Note that you have, answer the following question: – Why is the rule for integers important and what would happen if we didn’t have these rules?

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