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 Principles of Teaching Reading in Today’s Classroom.

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Presentation on theme: " Principles of Teaching Reading in Today’s Classroom."— Presentation transcript:

1  Principles of Teaching Reading in Today’s Classroom

2 What are the differences? What are the similarities?

3  Phonological system—sound system of English language with 44 sounds and more than 500 spellings  Syntactic system—structural system of English that determines how words are made into sentences  Semantic system—the meaning system of English focusing on vocabulary  Pragmatic system—the system offering language choices according to social and cultural cues

4  Reading  Phonemic awareness and phonics  Literacy strategies and skills  Vocabulary  Comprehension  Literature  Content area study  Oral language  Writing  spelling

5  Page 22 in textbook  Literacy is separated into 5 strands ◦ Reading ◦ Writing ◦ Speaking and listening ◦ Language ◦ Media and technology ◦ ◦ (State Department of Education website)

6  Move from more assistance to less assistance as the student progresses.  Levels of Scaffolding (most help to least help) ◦ Modeled reading and writing ◦ Shared reading and writing ◦ Interactive reading and writing ◦ Guided reading and writing ◦ Independent reading and writing ◦ **Your lessons will have one of these for reading and one for writing each time you teach.

7  Basal approach—textbook programs  Literature focus units  Literature circles  Reading workshop  Writing workshop  ** In your tables discuss these and be ready to share what you have found.

8 ◦ Many classrooms use a more technological approach to teaching reading. The teachers have access to online basal programs, iPads, computers, and many internet based activities such as WebQuests, podcasts and online books. ◦ storytime-books-toys/379003588 storytime-books-toys/379003588 ◦

9  Ideas to differentiate instruction found in figure 1-8 on page 32.  Discuss these in your groups. Which ones will you feel comfortable using? Which ones will seem difficult to implement?

10 We need to remember to make our instruction link to our assessments. Ongoing assessment Informal Formal High states assessments Collect data and create portfolios of student work to carry with them as they progress.

11  Tompkins, Gail E. (2014). Literacy for the 21st century A balanced approach. Boston, MA: Pearson (6th edition)

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