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Walking in the Other Person’s Shoe : How Can We Strengthen America’s Democracy From the views of a 21 year old, college student.

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Presentation on theme: "Walking in the Other Person’s Shoe : How Can We Strengthen America’s Democracy From the views of a 21 year old, college student."— Presentation transcript:

1 Walking in the Other Person’s Shoe : How Can We Strengthen America’s Democracy From the views of a 21 year old, college student

2 A wise man once said…. Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country

3 A comedian pointed out that.. Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.

4 A TV host mentioned that… The greatest discovery of all times is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude.

5 So I sat and I thought about this.. Discovery Change People The Futur e Sitting Still attitude Ran over My Country Right Track Our Country

6 Suggestion one Oh so these people are the only ones who have a say so huh?? 1) It’s a Democracy so involve EVERYONE! While these people voices go unheard

7 Suggestion 2 Every good conversation starts off with good LISTENING! Guns laws should be strict “we should feel safe in our community” Don’t take away our guns, we need them “we should feel safe in our community” If we just paused from talking and listen to the other side, we would realize we all want the same thing

8 Suggestion 3 Suggestion 3 What we don’t know, we must learn, what we learn, we Must Teach! “Hey did you hear about North Korea’s leader, Kim Jung Un threats to America?” “No I was too busy keeping up with the Kardashians ” Many Americans have no idea what’s going on in their country. And the sad part is they have no interest in finding out either because our media is making reality shows more important than health care benefits, equal pay, funding for education, higher wages, etc.

9 Just the views of a 21 year old college student My Thoughts Democracy is defined as a government of the people. To me this means that when making decisions and trying to figure out what should come next “the people’s interest” should be in my mind. However we have got to a place where no one wants to hear each other out. We don’t care about the thoughts of the other side. Just our opinion matters. You see it in political debates, school, court, church and even our homes.

10 Just the views of a 21 year old college student My Thoughts cont. “We have 2 ears and 1 mouth, so we should listen more than we say” -Zeno of Citium 2012 was my first year being able to participate in a presidential election. I remember my professors in college saying that as a college student, I should pay close attention to the election and to what the candidates felt about situations that involved me as a college student. So I did. I listened

11 Let's Break this Down….

12 DEMOCRACY The People Women Middle class workers College students Elderly Business owners

13 “The People” Not saying these are the only people that we need to focus on but these are a few groups that voices need to be heard so that we can “strengthen America’s Democracy.” We need to have support from more population groups in the United States. We need Americans to feel satisfied with actions of the government and to feel that someone is trying to make life more satisfying and comfortable for them. When this happens we will have more people involved and interested and what’s going on in America because they will know their ideas matter and that there opinions are really being taken into consideration on topics.

14 Shoe Switch We need to listen to… What are they asking for? What problems are they facing? Are we looking at the situation from their point of view? How can we improve their way of living?

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