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Logical Partnerships in the Learning Commons: the SLC at UGA Sheila Devaney GUGM 2005, Macon, Georgia.

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Presentation on theme: "Logical Partnerships in the Learning Commons: the SLC at UGA Sheila Devaney GUGM 2005, Macon, Georgia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Logical Partnerships in the Learning Commons: the SLC at UGA Sheila Devaney GUGM 2005, Macon, Georgia

2 Background on the SLC  The Mission of the SLC Technologically-advanced and comprehensive learning environment A unique combination of library and instruction space, classrooms, campus computing and instructional support for faculty Built around the way students work and study today.

3 If you build it … they will come  Building use peaks at 2pm and at 9pm.  Hourly usage ranges from 700 to 1000 patrons.  Daily gate counts average 6,000.  Most evenings all 96 of the Group Study Rooms are filled.

4 Working Together at the SLC Enterprise Information Technology Services (EITS) University Libraries Office of Instructional Support and Development (OISD)


6 UGA Writing Center  Fall 2004 Semester Writing Center partnership started Groundwork began Spring 2004  Emails sent out to various library listservs to gauge what other libraries were doing  Approached English Department in early August Positive feedback and planning and implementation began

7 UGA Writing Center  Provided Writing Center with a Group Study Room across from the Reference Desk  Began promotion in SLC with signs and in the English Department with signs and listserv messages Considered Fall 2004 a pilot project Students quickly found it and began to use the service  Writing Center staffed 6 hours a week  Soon this location became the busiest one

8 Writing Center at the SLC Spring 2005  Such a success that … Now staffing 4 days a week for a total of 22 hours a week Often the consultants have ‘back to back’ appointments

9 Writing and Research Workshops  Building on the partnership Held two drop-in workshops staffed with Writing Center Consultants and Reference Librarians Each drop-in session brought 7 students in for half-hour appointments Planning on having even more sessions for the Fall Semester 2005

10 Marketing Always Helps  We started an advertising campaign aimed at our users and it began to pay off. Here are some examples …






16 Even More Marketing  Prominent placing on university web sites Student Learning Center The Writing Center Academic Enhancement

17  Offers tutoring in core level math, science, language, and business courses by appointment and drop-in sessions. 6 hours of tutoring for four core math classes provided each week in SLC Also providing test reviews before each exam for MATH 1101 and STAT 2000

18 The SLC: Where Collaboration Works

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