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DPD Examinations – Early Experiences Keith Holland Inspector Manager Planning Inspectorate.

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1 DPD Examinations – Early Experiences Keith Holland Inspector Manager Planning Inspectorate

2 Rigour of the Examination  Examination will be based on the tests of of soundness – they need to be taken very seriously.  Concept of spatial planning is critical  CS must show how regional and national policies have been developed into locally distinctive policies  Bland “anywhere” policies are not acceptable  Examination starts at submission. Evidence base should be complete and comprehensive at this stage

3 Changes  Do not expect to be able to make substantial pre-examination changes  Scope for Inspector changes limited  Sustainability and consultation critical considerations

4 Options  Proving to be a difficult area for many local planning authorities  Options must be properly evaluated  Evidence on submission must show how and why final choice made  Avoid “2 deposit stages in disguise” approach i.e. keep an open mind

5 Core Strategies  Must set out the key elements of the planning framework for the area – effectively the lead document  In the first instance think strategy not policy  Must be internally consistent and relate to other strategies and plans including the Community Strategy  Broad locations and priority areas for action rather than sites- key diagram approach

6 Content of Core Strategies normally to include:  Settlement strategy based on a hierarchy of settlements and resultant spread of development  Strategy for promoting well-being of the local economy  Housing and employment land supply evidence  Transport strategies that promote sustainable development  Hierarchy of centres with expected role of each  Broad approach to affordable housing  Rural strategy if appropriate to promote social and economic well-being of the rural areas/villages  A limited suite of topic based development control policies may be included setting out criteria against which proposals may be judged

7 Flexibility  Delay not acceptable  Dealing with possible changes to regional spatial strategies  Plan monitor manage concept

8 Hearing part of examination  Informal approach proving successful  Culture change regarding submission of documents remains an issue  Challenging for all parties

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