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1. 他来上海拜访他的朋友。 2. 政府应该立法来保护野生生物。 He came to Shanghai to visit his friends. The government should make laws to protect wildlife. ______ ________.

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Presentation on theme: "1. 他来上海拜访他的朋友。 2. 政府应该立法来保护野生生物。 He came to Shanghai to visit his friends. The government should make laws to protect wildlife. ______ ________."— Presentation transcript:




4 1. 他来上海拜访他的朋友。 2. 政府应该立法来保护野生生物。 He came to Shanghai to visit his friends. The government should make laws to protect wildlife. ______ ________

5 3. 为了赢得下个月的比赛, 他们每天刻 苦训练。 They practice hard every day in order to win the match next month. _____________

6 Using to-infinitives for purpose We can use to-infinitives to express purpose. ( 表目的 ) e.g. I often go to the market to watch the birds. Now the Chinese government has made laws to prevent all these things.

7 We can also use in order to to express purposes. This is more formal than to- infinitives. ( 表达更正式,更清楚 ) e.g. Some people want to make the wetlands smaller in order to have more space for farms and buildings. Take a notebook with you in order to write down what you see. 写下, 记下

8 注意: 由 in order to 引导的目的状语,既可以 置于句尾,也可以置于句首。 e.g. They started early in order to get there in time. In order to get there in time, they started early. 为了及时赶到那里,他们很早就出 发了。

9 Zhalong Nature Reserve

10 Amy is thinking about the things people do in Zhalong Nature Reserve. Match the first parts of the sentences on the left with the second parts on the right. Write the correct letters in the blanks.

11 1 People go to Zhalong __ a to take photos of the birds. 2 They should read about __ b to study the the birds first birds in the wetlands. 3 Most People take a __ c to watch the camera birds. 4 The Birdwtching __ d to learn more Society goes about them. a d b c

12 1. 我呆在那儿看会发生什么。 I stayed there to /in order to see what would happen. 2. 为了不忘记,他记下了我的电话号码。 He wrote down my telephone number in order not to forget it.

13 3. 为了赶上早班车, 今天早上我很早就 起床了。 In order to catch the early bus, I got up early this morning.

14 Using verbs + objects + to-infinitives We can use some verbs with objects and to-infinitives. ( 动词不定式在句中 作宾语补足语 ) e.g. We are now inviting them to help us. We need more people to count and describe the birds.

15 We add not before to-infinitives to express a negative meaning. e.g. We ask people not to catch birds for any reason.

16 常跟带 to 的动词不定式作宾语补足语 的动词有: ask, tell, order, invite, get, allow, wish, want, encourage, advise, warn, like, love, hate 等。 动词不定式作宾语补足语,有带 to 和 不带 to 的两种形式。

17 e.g. The policeman told the boys not to swim in the river. The teacher asked the students to finish the homework on time.

18 make or let + object + infinitive without to e.g. Max tells funny jokes and often makes me laugh. Mr Wu agreed to let me join their school trip. 常跟不带 to 的动词不定式 作宾语补足语的动词有:感官动词 hear, feel, see, watch, notice 等;使役动词 let, make 和 have 。

19 see or hear + object + infinitive without to e.g. She saw a baby panda drink her mother’s milk. Millie and Amy heard someone sing in the park.

20 动词 help 后面的动词不定式可带 to, 也可 不带 to 。 help + object + infinitive with or without to e.g. This will help people (to) understand the importance of the wetlands. She often helps me (to) do the housework.

21 The Class 1, Grade 8 students went to Zhalong Nature Reserve. Sandy is writing about their trip. Help her complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

22 1. Mr Wu _____ us ________ a pair of comfortable shoes because we would have to walk a long way. (ask/wear) 2. We ______ some birds _____ in the trees. (hear/sing) 3. Mr Wu _____ us _________ the birds carefully. (tell/watch) 4. He also __________ us __________ the birds. (encourage/describe) asked to wear heard sing told to watch encouraged to describe

23 5. He _______ us __________ in the wetlands. (advise/not shout) 6. The cold weather _______ some birds ______ south for the winter. (make/fly) 7. The trip _______ us ______ more about wildlife. (help/learn) made helped learn fly advised not to shout

24 1. 我父亲经常鼓励我努力学习。 My father often encourages me to study hard. 2. 去年李老师教我们打篮球。 Mr Li taught us to play basketball last year.

25 3. 语文老师让我们抄写这篇文章两遍。 The Chinese teacher made us copy the article twice. 4. 为了通过期末考试, 我们必须更努力学 习。 We must study harder in order to pass the final exams.

26 Recite the related phrases with to-infinitives.


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