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Epidermal tissue system and its diagnostic features

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1 Epidermal tissue system and its diagnostic features

2 Epidermal tissue system
Epidermis forms the outer most boundary of primary plant body Structures associated with the epidermis: Stomata Cuticle Trichomes/hairs Glands/secretory cells Idioblast cells

3 Functions of epidermis
Stomata- concerned with Gaseous exchange Cuticle and fatty material- restrict transpiration Tough cuticle and compact cells provide definite shape to the body Epidermis having root hairs is thin walled and absorbs water (Epiblema) Site of photo-reception-plays imp role in circadian leaf movement and photoperiodic induction Epidermal protoplast stores various products of metabolism



6 Special types of epidermis
Epidermis as periderm in mature trees - protective role Usually epidermis is single layered 2 layered epidermis- Ficus elastica Multilayered epidermis is found in Nerium leaf, Pepromia etc

7 Multiple epidermis- when protoderm layer of the leaf divided parallel with the surface and give rise to multiple epidermis e.g. Pepromia pereskiaefolia

8 Specialized cells of epidermis

9 Guard cells guard cells in Monocots Guard cells in Dicots
dumbell shape Guard cells in Dicots Kidney shaped

10 Cork cells /silica cells-found in Gramineae/Cyperaceae
Bulliform cells: elongated cells in epidermis of Poaceae Idioblast cells: containing tannins, oils and crystals eg in Poaceae

11 Cuticle deposition in epidermis

12 Secretory cells

13 Trichomes

14 Modified epidermis : Ontogeny is same as epidermis
Velamen of root; multilayered epidermis which function is water storage. Epidermis with chloroplast –found in shady plants Epidermis possessing anthocyanin pigments in their vacuoles: Rhoeo dicolor

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