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The Dark Side of the Family. Domestic Abuse When a family member, partner or ex-partner attempts to physically, or psychologically dominate another.

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Presentation on theme: "The Dark Side of the Family. Domestic Abuse When a family member, partner or ex-partner attempts to physically, or psychologically dominate another."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Dark Side of the Family

2 Domestic Abuse When a family member, partner or ex-partner attempts to physically, or psychologically dominate another

3 Domestic Abuse Anyone can experience domestic violence irrespective of their race, age, ethnicity, gender or sexuality, disability or lifestyle

4 Domestic Abuse Has many forms Physical abuse Sexual abuse Emotional abuse Intimidation Economic deprivation Threats of violence

5 Domestic Abuse It can occur in any family type: Nuclear Blended Same - sex

6 Rape with Families Rape is being forced to have sex with someone against their own will is considered rape

7 Rape with Families Rape within the family was only considered a criminal offence in 1991 by the Court of Appeal

8 Abuse of Men Men can be victims of abuse by women in the home but men find it much harder to admit to than women.

9 Abuse of Men In general male victims experience abuse that is less frequent and less severe than that experienced by female victims.

10 Abuse of Children Child abuse is the physical, emotional or sexual abuse or neglect of children by parents guardians are others It can have emotional, physical and behavioural effects on children

11 Abuse of Children Physical effects include injury, death, lifelong health problems, cognitive difficulties and physical disabilities

12 Abuse of Children Emotional effects include low self- esteem, depression and anxiety, eating disorders, relationship difficulties, alienation and withdrawal and personality disorders and…

13 Abuse of Children and behavioural effects include problems in school and work, delinquency, teen pregnancy, suicide attempts, criminal or anti-social behaviour, substance abuse, aggressive behaviour, spousal and child abuse and anger

14 Abuse of Women 1 in 4 women experience domestic violence over their lifetimes

15 Abuse of Women Feminists would point out violence against women is a direct consequence of the inequalities between women and men. It denies women their most basic human rights

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