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What is an Electric Current?. Everything has the same charge.

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Presentation on theme: "What is an Electric Current?. Everything has the same charge."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is an Electric Current?


3 Everything has the same charge

4 Everything has opposite charges

5 Charges Everything is Matter Matter is made of ATOMS Atoms are made of PROTONS, NUTRONS, and, ELECTRONS Protons have a positive charge Electrons have a negative charge Neutrons have no charge

6 Charge Normally everything is balances (same number of positives and negatives) Electric charge is created with the number of charges is out of balance.

7 Electric Current Electric Current is the flow of negative charges through matter. Resistance is a measure of how much a material opposes the flow of electric current and changes electric current into heat.

8 Circuits ‘ Conductor: a material through which electric current passes easily. Insulator: material through which electric current does NOT pass easily

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