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Distracted Driving. Do Now…  Read the article “Driving with Dad” and answer the questions that correspond to the article.

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Presentation on theme: "Distracted Driving. Do Now…  Read the article “Driving with Dad” and answer the questions that correspond to the article."— Presentation transcript:

1 Distracted Driving

2 Do Now…  Read the article “Driving with Dad” and answer the questions that correspond to the article.

3 Statistics  80% of collisions involve some form of driver inattention (NHTSA and VA Tech Transportation Institute)  Approximately 5,500 people are killed each year on US roadways and an estimated 448,000 are injured in motor vehicle crashes involving distracted driving (NHTSA)  Almost every state has legislation under which drivers can be charged for inattentive driving (NHTSA)  Drivers under age 20 are more likely to be involved in distracted driving crashes.  Research indicates that talking on the phone (even if it’s hands free) takes away 39% of the brain energy that would ordinarily devoted to safe driving (NHTSA) ADTSEA 3.0 Curriculum Unit 9

4 Definitions  Distracted Driving occurs anytime a driver takes the eyes off the road (visual distraction), hands off the wheel (manual distraction), and the mind off the primary task of driving (cognitive distraction).  Driver Inattention occurs when a driver’s attention drifts away from driving without having been influenced by an activity.  Example – Day Dreaming ADTSEA 3.0 Curriculum Unit 9

5 Effects of Distracted Driving  Slowed Perception – may cause drivers to be delayed in perceiving or completely fail to identify an important traffic event.  Delayed decision making – can cause a driver’s decision making process to be delayed, or cause a driver to choose an action inappropriate for the situation.  Improper action - can cause drivers to be delayed in taking the intended action or to make incorrect actions to the steering, accelerator, or brakes.  Think of how the SPIDE process is effected! ADTSEA 3.0 Curriculum Unit 9

6 Why are young drivers more likely to be in a crash when distracted?  Lack of driving experience  Lack of experience performing tasks which could cause distraction  Increased risk taking  Lack of familiarity with particular vehicles  Examples of young driver distractions:  Talking on a cell phone  Texting  Adjusting the radio  Talking to passengers  Diverting attention to person, object, or event outside of the vehicle ADTSEA 3.0 Curriculum Unit 9

7 Types of Distractions  Manual Distraction – a distraction that causes a driver to take his or her hands off the wheel.  Examples?  Visual Distraction – a distraction that causes a driver to take his or her eyes off the road.  Examples?  Cognitive Distraction – activities that take the driver’s mind away from the road.  Examples?  Any combination of these distraction will lead to an even greater chance a crash could happen. ADTSEA 3.0 Curriculum Unit 9

8 Facts  At 55mph, a three second glance at a cell phone, messaging device, or instrument panel (changing the radio) will result in a vehicle moving nearly 250 feet – the length of a football field.  Sending or reading a texts takes your eyes off the road for 4.6 seconds. ADTSEA 3.0 Curriculum Unit 9

9 Preventing Distractions  Turn off all communication devices  Secure commitment from other occupants to behave responsibly and to support the driver in reducing distraction  Secure all loose items in the vehicle  Familiarize yourself with the vehicle’s features and equipment  Adjust all vehicle controls before you start driving  Determine exact travel routes or program GPS before you start driving  Eating before you drive, or give yourself enough time to stop and eat  Do your personal grooming at home before you drive  Properly buckling children and give them books/games/toys to occupy them  Securing pets  What can you do as a passenger to help prevent distracted driving? ADTSEA 3.0 Curriculum Unit 9

10 Adults and Distracted Driving  Saturday Night Live PSA Saturday Night Live PSA

11 Resources  ADTSEA Curriculum 3.0 – Unit 9

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