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Creating a lasting impression

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Presentation on theme: "Creating a lasting impression"— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating a lasting impression

2 Today Why a first impression is so important?
Five areas of the first impression Speech Presentation Eye Contact Courtesy Competence

3 Why a 1st impression is so vital
15 seconds to create a first impression First impressions last Difficult to change Reflects the business Reflects you Sets the scene for future interaction

4 Five areas To create a great impression – use “S.P.E.C.C”: Speech
Presentation Eye contact Courtesy Competence

5 Speech Two important areas: What we say – our knowledge
How we say it What we say – our knowledge How we say it – our feelings

6 What we say Create a great first impression by:
Selecting words to suit your client Using plain English Selecting words to suit the occasion Being clear, concise and specific Avoiding inappropriate language

7 How we say it Create a great first impression by:
Keeping tone consistent with the message Using a pace appropriate to our client Making sure our body language matches what we say

8 Presentation Three important areas: Personal presentation
Personal hygiene The way we present our work

9 Personal presentation
Refers to: Our dress Our general turnout Create a great first impression by: Following the dress code Being neat Dressing appropriately Dressing to convey professionalism

10 Personal hygiene Refers to the way we maintain ourselves
Create a great first impression by: Ensuring clothes are neat and clean Maintaining good levels of hygiene

11 Presenting work The way we present work creates an impression
Create a great first impression by: Being neat and tidy Avoiding cross outs and errors Double checking for mistakes Writing legibly

12 Eye contact Eye contact vital for a positive first impression
Conveys openness and trust Create a great first impression by: Looking your client in the eye Not staring Not looking over or behind the client

13 Courtesy Manners matter Create a great first impression by:
Shaking their hand on greeting Being polite Not swearing or being inappropriate Using the client’s name Remembering basic courtesies

14 Competence Refers to how you demonstrate your professionalism and knowledge Create a great first impression by: Being on time (starting and finishing) Being organised Asking and answering questions Not interrupting Taking notes Explaining clearly and concisely

15 Summary You have just 15 seconds! First impressions last
Come up to S.P.E.C.C.

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