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Health and Safety Coordination at CERN Environmental Health and Safety managing risks today for a safer tomorrow John Robert Etheridge, Emmanuel Paulat,

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Presentation on theme: "Health and Safety Coordination at CERN Environmental Health and Safety managing risks today for a safer tomorrow John Robert Etheridge, Emmanuel Paulat,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Health and Safety Coordination at CERN Environmental Health and Safety managing risks today for a safer tomorrow John Robert Etheridge, Emmanuel Paulat, Michel Arnaud

2 Health and Safety Coordinator. What's their job? Ensure that safety is integrated throughout the project. Evaluate the risks, in particular those resulting from co-activity and successive activities. Ensure that the general principles of prevention are implemented and the rules and regulations are enforced.

3 Professionals Check List Document describing the work that has to be carried out Has it been issued and approved by all those concerned including the safety coordinator. Have you got written confirmation that all the equipment has been inspected and accepted Have we agreed a date for the Joint Inspection so that you can start work. As the person in charge have you got or been given the means you need to ensure that the written procedures are respected If your not sure or you have a doubt ask





8 Why Must we do all this? Safety Coordination: Legal basis European Directive EEC 92/57 French Law 93-1418 L’ordonnancé fédérale du 29 th June 2005 Laws and Regulations of the host Countries CERN Safety Codes, Instructions, Notes and Bulletins

9 Health and Safety Documentation based upon the rules and regulations in vigour  Specific Method statements for the intervention to be carried out. (PPSPS, Fiche de Tache, Job Description) Drawn up by the work package contractors, CERN group, collaborators, or who ever will carry out work in the machine, 3 weeks before the start of work. Verified and approved by the safety coordinator.  Joint Inspections Carried out by the safety coordinator as close to start date as possible, with the work package contractors, CERN group, collaborators, or who ever will carry out work in the machine.  Register Journal Opened at the conception stage a form of log book of information that must be kept for a period of five years.

10 AFTER THOUGHT Avoiding the AFTER THOUGHT Syndrome For any project to retain integrity Environmental Health and Safety considerations have to be inbuilt from the design stage In reality, even in prestigious blue chip projects Environmental Health and Safety is often an after thought. It is critical that Environmental Health and Safety considerations are built in for the lifecycle of any project.

11 General principles of prevention Avoid the risks Asses the unavoidable risks Tackle risks at the source Adapt working conditions to the worker Keep up to date with technical development Replace dangerous items by safe ones or less dangerous ones Plan preventive measures as part of a whole preventive approach Give priority to collective protective measures over individual ones Provide clear instructions for the operators in their mother tongue

12 The documentation covers the following points Special situations… Risks for the worker Tests Urgent and Emergency Interventions Work in general including maintenance Procedure versus No Procedure

13 Special Situations There are none! All work, tests, interventions, must be –planned, –prepared, –authorized and –all documentation respected. Lack of rigour and discipline could result in incident and accident at the worst, but could also cost us time and money.

14 examples Without  the Environmental Health and Safety systems  training,  procedures,  maintenance devastation can follow

15 goals 1.Attain a satisfactory safety situation for all 2.Avoid accidents and professional illnesses

16 Conclusion We are here to help by –dealing with risks –adapting working conditions –planning preventive measures We are here to work with you. Not against you. We will do our best to help you find solution that are adapted to your needs. We can provide you with information regarding the interface between all work site, the LHC and the experimental caverns.

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