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Song time! Let’s have a free talk! Magic eyes This is a doll. That is a ball.

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Presentation on theme: "Song time! Let’s have a free talk! Magic eyes This is a doll. That is a ball."— Presentation transcript:


2 Song time!

3 Let’s have a free talk!

4 Magic eyes This is a doll. That is a ball.

5 This is a robot. That is a car.

6 This is a jacket. That is a cap.

7 This is a T-shirt. That is a skirt.

8 This isn’t a car. This is a schoolbag.

9 This isn’t a ball. This is a rubber.

10 1 、 Who lost the pencil? ( 谁丢失了铅笔? ) 2 、 Who helped the boy look for the pencil? ( 谁帮助 Mike 寻找铅笔? ) 3 、 Did he find the pencil? ( 他找到铅笔了吗? )


12 1 、 Who lost the pencil? ( 谁丢失了铅笔? ) 2 、 Who helped Mike look for the pencil? ( 谁帮助 Mike 寻找铅笔? )

13 Read the story and find (读故事并找一找: ) What does Mike say when he looks for his pencil? (Mike 在寻找铅笔时,说了些什么? ) ?

14 Read the story again and find : (再读故事并找一找: ) What do Yang Ling and Liu Tao say when they help Mike? ( 刘涛和杨玲在帮助 Mike 时,都说了些什么? ) ? ?

15 Is this your … ? Is that your … ? Let’s practice: This is my… Is this your…?

16 Work in pairs A: Is this your…? B: No, it isn’t. A: Is that your …? B: Yes, it is.

17 Say a chant Is this, is this your rubber? Yes, yes, yes, it is. Is that, is that your pen? No, no. no, it isn’t.

18 _____, is this a _____? Yes, yes, it is. _____, is that your _____? No, no, it isn’t. Say a chant

19 Try to repeat the story. ( 跟读故事。)


21 Act time 表演时间 Rewrite the story in groups. 小组合作改编故事。

22 If you picked up something, please try to return it back to the loser. 假如你捡到了物 品,请尽力归还 给失主。 What do you want to say now? 此时此刻,你想说些 什么?

23 homework Read and try to recite the story

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