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Distributed Algorithms for Dynamic Coverage in Sensor Networks Lan Lin and Hyunyoung Lee Department of Computer Science University of Denver.

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Presentation on theme: "Distributed Algorithms for Dynamic Coverage in Sensor Networks Lan Lin and Hyunyoung Lee Department of Computer Science University of Denver."— Presentation transcript:

1 Distributed Algorithms for Dynamic Coverage in Sensor Networks Lan Lin and Hyunyoung Lee Department of Computer Science University of Denver

2 Outline Dynamic maintenance of best and worst coverage radii Dynamic coverage with migration of redundant nodes Lazy coverage with different radii and limited mobility

3 Best and Worst Coverage Radii Let D(P, r) be the union of all disks centered at points of P with radius r, where P is a set of sensor nodes. Best coverage radius is the minimum coverage radius r such that there exists a trajectory between S and T that is totally covered by D(P, r). Worst coverage radius is the maximum coverage radius r such that there exists a trajectory between S and T that is covered by the complement of D(P, r). Property: For best (worst) coverage radius, there exists at least one pair of nodes whose disks are tangent to each other. S T S T

4 Dynamic Maintenance of Best and Worst Coverage Radii Given two sets of nodes P and Q, find the shortest distance D(P, Q) = min p ∈ P { min q ∈ Q {d(p,q)}}. Condition: communication range is twice of sensing range. Scheme  Maintain the coverage boundary.  Detect a breach.  Determine the new best and worst coverage radii.

5 Maintenance of Boundaries Three types of boundary: inner, outer, holes. Boundary events: Loss of boundary node. Loss of non-boundary node. Non-boundary node moving within range of boundary nodes. Critical node: Boundary node whose disk is not continuously covered by other nodes.

6 Dynamic Best Coverage Radius S T Message complexity: O (n 1/2 log n).

7 Dynamic Coverage with Redundant Nodes Redundant node: node whose sensing disk is completely covered by other nodes. Redundant node as recovery node. Communication tree: connect a non-redundant node to its closest recovery node.

8 Tree Operations Insertion: Non-redundant node and redundant node. A B a b c d B a b c d A Deletion: Redundant node. A B a b c d C fe A B a b c d C fe

9 Dynamic Coverage Maintenance Energy costs:  Movement:E m = k · d, where k is a constant determined by the vehicle, d is the distance moved.  Sensing:E s = l · r 2, where l is a constant specified by the sensing equipment, r is the sensing radius.  Total:E total = E m + E s Suppose a failed node X has m neighbors, S 1, S 2,..., S m. Let the area covered by each node be A(S i ), for i = 1, 2,...m. Let the area covered by X be A(X). Find the combination of movements of the neighbors to new positions P 1, P 2,..., P m and employments of different radii of sensing range for S 1, S 2,..., S m, such that the following conditions are fulfilled. 1. A(X) ∩ (U i A(S i )) is maximized, 2. ∑ i E total, i is minimized. Lazy coverage strategy  Each node knows its one- and two-hop neighbors.  No recovery until a certain percentage of coverage loss occurs in one-hop neighborhood.

10 Different Radii without or with Mobility

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