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Fall 2007 Week 9: UML Overview MSIS 670: Object-Oriented Software Engineering.

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1 Fall 2007 Week 9: UML Overview MSIS 670: Object-Oriented Software Engineering

2 10/13/2007 UML UML (Unified Modeling Language). –UML is a language for specifying, visualizing, constructing, and documenting the artifacts of software systems. –UML provides the precise notation that we need when modeling software systems.

3 10/13/2007 Figure 1: UML Models using Use-Case Driven Approach (Rosenburg, 1999)

4 10/13/2007 Dynamic Modeling: Use Case Model Use case modeling breaks down the entire scope of system functionality into many smaller statements of system functionality called use cases or business events. –A use case: a behaviorally related sequence of steps (a scenario), both automated and manual for the purpose of completing a single business task.

5 10/13/2007 Use Case Model Composition

6 10/13/2007 Static Modeling: Class Diagram The Class Diagram shows classes’ single or multiple inheritance hierarchies and classes’ other interconnections via the association, composition, and aggregation constructs.

7 10/13/2007

8 Activity Diagrams Shows the conditional logic for the sequence of system activities needed to accomplish a business process Clearly shows parallel and alternative behaviors Can be used to show the logic of a use case

9 10/13/2007 Activity Diagram

10 10/13/2007 Interaction Diagrams Interaction diagrams are models that describe how a group of objects collaborate in some behavior - typically a single use- case. Interaction diagrams come in two forms, both present in the UML: Sequence diagram and collaboration diagram

11 10/13/2007 A collaboration diagram

12 10/13/2007 A Sequence Diagram

13 10/13/2007 Other Types of Diagrams in UML Object Models/Domain Models Robustness Diagram (Not UML 2) State Diagram (Chart) Component Diagram Deployment Diagram

14 10/13/2007 UML Project (Fall 2007) The project will be similar to a real-world development project. However, with limitation in schedule, the following models should be created (in order): 1. Use case diagram 2. Initial class diagram 3. Activity diagram 4. Sequence diagram 5. Refined class diagram

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