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MOOD AND TONE. Mood & Tone  Mood = how the author’s words make the reader feel  Tone = how the author feels about the subject Mood & Tone of a story.

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Presentation on theme: "MOOD AND TONE. Mood & Tone  Mood = how the author’s words make the reader feel  Tone = how the author feels about the subject Mood & Tone of a story."— Presentation transcript:


2 Mood & Tone  Mood = how the author’s words make the reader feel  Tone = how the author feels about the subject Mood & Tone of a story can be the same, but they don’t have to be!

3 Some common mood words  Positive mood words:  amused  calm  cheerful  exhilarated  mellow  Negative mood words:  aggravated  brooding  desolate  enraged  numb

4 Some common tone words  Positive tone words:  admiring  confident  elated  humorous  lively  Negative tone words:  annoyed  bewildered  conceited  snobbish  selfish

5 What is the mood of this excerpt from “The Interlopers?” “He strayed away by himself from the watchers whom he had placed in ambush on the crest of the hill, and wandered far down the steep slopes and the wild tangle of undergrowth, peering through the tree trunks and listening through the whistling and skirling of the wind and the restless beating of the branches for sight and sound of the marauders.” Mood = _______

6 What is the tone of each sentence? 1)The adorable children flitted through the park, making patterns in the grass as they went. Tone = ______ 2)The wild children stamped through the park, flattening the grass as they went. Tone = ______

7 “The Scream” By Edvard Munch “Water Lilies” By Claude Monet Describe the mood each picture conveys. What details from the picture helps convey the mood?

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