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Review for Astronomy Benchmark Space. Question 1: Identify and describe the general pattern of movement all objects in our solar system.

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Presentation on theme: "Review for Astronomy Benchmark Space. Question 1: Identify and describe the general pattern of movement all objects in our solar system."— Presentation transcript:

1 Review for Astronomy Benchmark Space

2 Question 1: Identify and describe the general pattern of movement all objects in our solar system.

3 Answer All objects in our solar system orbit around the Sun and orbit in an elliptical pattern.

4 Question 2 Name the scientist who is credited with explaining how all planets orbit in our universe. Why do planets travel in an elliptical pattern?

5 Answer Johannas Kepler Kepler’s three laws of planetary motion All planets have two focus points, the sun and empty space, the farther from the sun the farther apart the two focus points are, thus making more of an elliptical pattern.

6 Question3 Why does our planet have seasons? When does the Northern Hemisphere experience summer? What season is it in the Southern Hemisphere?

7 Answer 3 The tilt of the Earth’s axis causes the seasons. When the Northern Hemisphere is tilted towards the sun we experience summer

8 Question 4 Why is the period of revolution around the Sun for the Earth shorter then the period of revolution of Jupiter or Pluto? How does a year compare with Earth, Jupiter and Pluto?

9 Answer 4 The farther the distance the planet is from the sun the longer orbital period the planet will have. Earth would have the shortest year (365 days) followed by Jupiter and then Pluto.

10 Question 5 Identify and explain the cause of the phases of the moon Does the moon produce its own light?

11 Answer 5 The moon goes through phases because of its relative position in relationship with the Earth and Sun. The moon orbits around the Earth and different percents of light are reflected back to Earth. What you see is considered a moon phase. No the moon does not produce its own light it reflects the Sun’s light (12%)

12 Question 6 Describe how lunar and solar eclipses occur.

13 Answer 6 A solar eclipse occurs when the moon crosses in the path of the sun during the day. The moon’s shadow causes the eclipse. Sun, moon, Earth A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth’s shadow is cast on the moon. Sun, Earth, moon

14 Question 7 Explain why planets have different lengths of day and night.

15 Answer 7 Planets have different periods of day and night because they all rotate at different speeds. The Earth makes one complete rotation in about 24 hours.

16 Question 8 What is the electromagnetic spectrum?

17 Answer 8 The electromagnetic spectrum is the range of all the electromagnetic radiation that travels in waves. Radio wave, microwaves, infrared, visable, Ultra violet, x-rays, gamma rays.

18 Question 9 How fast do all the electromagnetic waves travel? Explain the difference between wavelenth and frequency

19 Answer 9 All of the electromagnetic radiation travels at the speed of light. Wavelength is the distance from top of one peak to another. Frequency is how fast a peak will pass a given reference point.

20 Question 10 Explain the relationship between wavelength and frequency? Which part of the EMS has the longest wavelength/slowest frequency? Which part of the EMS has the shortest wavelength/fastest frequency?

21 Answer 10 As the wavelength decreases the frequency of the wave increases, or you could say as the wavelength increases the frequency decrease. Radio waves Gamma rays

22 Question 11 What is the name of the galaxy the Earth is part of? Explain what a galaxy consists of.

23 Answer 11 Milky way galaxy A galaxy consists of sun, planets, comets, and billions of stars. There are billions of galaxies in the universe

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