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11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15234567891011 12131415 £1 Million 14 £500, 000 13 £250,000 12 125,000 11 £64,000 10 £32,000 9 £16,000 8 £8,000 7 £4,000.

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Presentation on theme: "11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15234567891011 12131415 £1 Million 14 £500, 000 13 £250,000 12 125,000 11 £64,000 10 £32,000 9 £16,000 8 £8,000 7 £4,000."— Presentation transcript:


2 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15234567891011 12131415 £1 Million 14 £500, 000 13 £250,000 12 125,000 11 £64,000 10 £32,000 9 £16,000 8 £8,000 7 £4,000 6 £2,000 5 £1,000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 1 £100

3 A:B: Killer catsFat rats £100 What is used to move around the screen? C:D: Hot dogs 50:50 Mouse

4 Excellent!Excellent!

5 Unlucky!Unlucky! That’s incorrect

6 A:B: Word Excel £200 Which program is used for written work? C:D: AccessFirewall 50:50

7 Excellent!Excellent!

8 SorrySorry That’s incorrect …

9 A:B: Word Power-point £300 Spreadsheets are commonly found in which program? C:D: ExcelOutlook 50:50

10 FantasticFantastic

11 Oh dear! That’s incorrect …

12 A:B: Electronic postElectrical robots £500 What are emails? C:D: Radio wavesMail in a big red box 50:50 Ask Me Ask us

13 BrilliantBrilliant

14 SorrySorry That’s incorrect …

15 A:B: In a cupboardFile it £1,000 Where should you store your work on a PC? C:D: Don’t store it In a Folder 50:50

16 Well done!

17 Unlucky!Unlucky! You should have thought of your experime nts!

18 A:B: Ask a mate to look Spell & grammer check £2,000 When you have finished a word document what should you do? C:D: Bin it Leave it on the screen 50:50

19 Super!Super!

20 Oh no! That’s incorrect !…

21 A:B: PaintPlaster £4,000 These 2 terms are used a lot copy and p****? C:D: Put togetherPaste 50:50

22 Very good!

23 IncorrectIncorrect So near and yet so far!

24 A:B: GoggleYambam £8,000 A well known search engine is…? C:D: Google Antivirus 50:50

25 Very good!

26 Sorry!Sorry! That’s incorrect …

27 A:B: PrinterMonitor £16,000 Where might we save information to? C:D: KeyboardUSB memory stick 50:50

28 Very good!

29 UnluckyUnlucky That’s incorrect …

30 Digestion A:B: To keep our data safe £32,000 Why do we use passwords? C:D: To make it harder to log on Digestion To give to friendsIn case we forget 50:50

31 Brilliant!Brilliant!

32 Unfortunately…Unfortunately… That’s incorrect !

33 A:B: Fronts £64,000 The letters in a document are known as…? C: D: Fonts Words 50:50 Letters

34 Well done!

35 I’m sorry That’s incorrect …

36 A:B: Carbon CopyCurried chicken £125,000 CC stands for? C:D: Can’t copyNothing 50:50

37 Very good!

38 IncorrectIncorrect You should have got that one!

39 A:B: Legal problems Memory problems £250,000 What are Backups? C:D: Reversing cars Saved files on another PC or memory 50:50

40 Excellent!Excellent!

41 Wrong Choice! That’s incorrect …

42 A:B: Damaged screenPicture of the screen £500,000 What is a screenshot? C:D: The monitorA cowboy film 50:50

43 Very Good!

44 Sorry!Sorry! That’s incorrect …

45 A:B: £ 1,000,000 Are you enjoying this course? C:D: Yes love it to bits No Not at all Yes 50:50

46 Take a break! Fantastic!Fantastic!

47 UnluckyUnlucky You were nearly a millionaire and got a break!

48 Thank you for playing! Thank you for playing! Thank you for playing!

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