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Milestones  Investigate Methods for AI development(week 2)  Revise initial design (week 3)  Develop functions to generate specific types of data: (week.

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Presentation on theme: "Milestones  Investigate Methods for AI development(week 2)  Revise initial design (week 3)  Develop functions to generate specific types of data: (week."— Presentation transcript:


2 Milestones  Investigate Methods for AI development(week 2)  Revise initial design (week 3)  Develop functions to generate specific types of data: (week 4) Date, currency, timestamp, names, imbalanced types (like gender)  Make DBMS specific protocols (week 6) Include connection, retrieval, and insertion  Implement Website specific web crawler (week 7)  Design AI protocols (week 9) Must correlate desired types with minimal errors  Design User Interface (week 9) Incorporate standard interface functions with symmetrical design layout considerations  Complete final documentation and fine-tuning (week 10)

3 UtilitiesClass public void parseCSV(string path, ref string[] str1, ref string[] str2, ref string[] str3) { // List parsedData = new List (); try { using (StreamReader readFile = new StreamReader(path)) { string line; string[] row; int i = 0, k = 0, l = 0; while ((line = readFile.ReadLine()) != null) { row = line.Split(','); if (i < 5000) { Array.Resize(ref str1, str1.Length + 1); str1[i] = row[0]; i++; if (row[1].Length > 3) { Array.Resize(ref str2, str2.Length + 1); str2[k] = row[1]; k++; } if (row[2].Length > 1) { Array.Resize(ref str3, str3.Length + 1); str3[l] = row[2]; l++; } Array.Resize(ref str1, str1.Length - 1); Array.Resize(ref str2, str2.Length - 1); Array.Resize(ref str3, str3.Length - 1); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show(e.Message); }

4 UtilitiesClass public void parseTxt(string path, ref string[] str1) { try { using (StreamReader readFile = new StreamReader(path)) { string line; int i = 0; while ((line = readFile.ReadLine()) != null) { Array.Resize(ref str1, str1.Length + 1); str1[i] = line; i++; } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show(e.Message); }

5 UtilitiesClass public void getColumn(ref string[] str1, ref string[] str2, int column) { try { string line; string[] row; int k = 0, l = 0; for (int i = 0; i < str2.Count(); i++) { line = str2[i]; row = line.Split(',', '(', ')'); Array.Resize(ref str1, str1.Length + 1); str1[i] = row[column]; } Array.Resize(ref str1, str1.Length - 1); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show(e.Message); }

6 UtilitiesClass public void parallelWrite(string[] str, string file, int start, int end) { TextWriter tw = TextWriter.Synchronized(File.AppendText(file)); Parallel.For(start, end, i => { //tw.WriteLine(str[i]); if (str[i] != null) { tw.WriteLine(str[i]); } ); tw.Close(); }

7 UtilitiesClass public void writeLine(string sqlstr, string filename) { TextWriter tw = TextWriter.Synchronized(File.AppendText(filename)); // write a line of text to the file tw.WriteLine(sqlstr); // close the stream tw.Close(); }

8 UtilitiesClass public string formatText(string str, int end = 0) { string tmp; tmp = "'" + str + "'"; if (end == 0) tmp += ", "; return tmp; }

9 UtilitiesClass public string formatNum(string str, int end = 0) { string tmp; tmp = str; if (end == 0) tmp += ", "; return tmp; }

10 UtilitiesClass public string formatDate(string tmp, string format = "mm/dd/yyyy") { string date = "(to_date(\'"+ tmp + "\'" + ",\'" + format + "\'))"; return date; }

11 generatorClass public void createFile(string[] array, int size, int filecount = 0) { bool atend = false; int count = array.Count(); int start = 0, end = count; double loop = (double)count / 1000 * size; string filename; if (array.Count() >= 1000 / size) { end = start + 1000 / size; } //for(int i = 0; i < Math.Ceiling(loop); i++) while (atend == false) { if (end == array.Count()) { atend = true; } filename = "insert" + Convert.ToString(filecount) + ".sql"; uC.writeLine("@" + filename + ";", "insertall.sql"); uC.writeLine("INSERT ALL", filename); uC.parallelWrite(array, filename, start, end); uC.writeLine("SELECT * FROM dual;", filename); filecount++; start = end + 1; if (end + 1000 / size - 1 >= array.Count() - 1) end = array.Count(); else end = end + (1000 / size); }

12 //builds an array of numbers for use with unique number sets public int[] initIds(int size) { int[] nums = new int[size]; nums[0] = 0; for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) nums[i] = nums[i - 1] + 1; return nums; }

13 //generates a random number based on the upper and lower boundaries int getRand(int ub, int lb = 0) { int num = 0; num = ThreadSafeRandom.Next(lb, ub); return num; }

14 //returns a value which is based on an uneven displacement //takes an array of integers to represent percentile for the value string of the same index //and the string array of values public string getImbalanced(int[] percentile, string[] values) { int num = 0, num2, count = 0, sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < percentile.Count(); i++){sum += percentile[i];} num2 = getRand(sum + 1); bool found = false; while (found == false) { num += percentile[count]; if (num2 <= num){found = true;} else count++; } return values[count]; }

15 //generates a string of numbers buffered by zeros public string getZeroBufferString(int[] ids, int length) { string id, formatString = null; long num = -1; while (num == -1) { num = ids[getRand(ids.Count())]; } ids[num] = -1; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { formatString += '0'; } id = num.ToString(formatString); return id; }

16 //gets a randomly chosen name from the array passed to it public string getName(string[] name, int offset = 1) { string ChosenName = "blank"; int num = getRand(name.Count(), offset); ChosenName = name[num]; return ChosenName; }

17 //combines calls to the getDate function to generate a date within a specified range public string textDate(string format = "mm/dd/yyyy", int yearStart = 0, int yearEnd = 0) { if(yearStart == 0) yearStart = DateTime.Now.Year - 100; if(yearEnd == 0) yearEnd = DateTime.Now.Year; string date; if (format == "mm/dd/yyyy") { date = getDate(12, 1) + "/" + getDate(28, 1) + "/" + getDate(yearEnd, yearStart); } else { date = getDate(28, 1) + "/" + getDate(12, 1) + "/" + getDate(yearEnd, yearStart); } return date; }

18 //generates date within a given range public string getDate(int max, int min = 0) { max++; string date = null; int num = getRand(max, min); if (num < 10) { date += Convert.ToString(0); } date += Convert.ToString(num); return date; }

19 //generates a standard login name : first initial, with last name public string getlogin(string FirstName, string LastName) { if (FirstName == null || LastName == null) return null; string email = FirstName.Substring(0, 1).ToLower() + LastName.ToLower(); return email; }

20 //uses a login and domain to generate a business email address public string getEmail(string login, string domain = "") { return login + "@" + domain; }

21 ThreadSafeRandom [ThreadStatic] private static Random _random; public ThreadSafeRandom() { _random = SafeRandom(); } private static Random SafeRandom() { return _random ?? (_random = new Random(Environment.TickCount)); } public static int Next(int lb, int ub) { try { int? x = _random.Next(lb, ub); if (x!=null) { return Convert.ToInt32(x); } else return Convert.ToInt32( Next(lb, ub)); } catch { _random = SafeRandom(); return Next(lb, ub); } }

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