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 As you listen to the words of this song, respond to the following questions in your warm up packet.  Select one line and describe what it means to you.

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Presentation on theme: " As you listen to the words of this song, respond to the following questions in your warm up packet.  Select one line and describe what it means to you."— Presentation transcript:

1  As you listen to the words of this song, respond to the following questions in your warm up packet.  Select one line and describe what it means to you.  Contrast this songs meaning with that of another popular song. Explain how the songs are similar and/or different.  Speculate why Bob Dylan wrote this song. Who is he singing to? Why is it important to stay forever young?  What are some things that you can only do as a high school student? What makes being young special, unique?

2  Compare yourself to the boy in the cartoon. How are you alike/different?  If you could actually “use the Jedi Mind Trick” on a teacher, what would the long term affects on your grades and your future?  We have 5 weeks left in the semester, create a list of five things you need to do to get all A’s and B’s in your classes.

3  SAT Question  at-question-of-the-day at-question-of-the-day  Please copy the question, answer, and your analysis of the question in the Monday section of your warm up packet.

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