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Kent School District Middle School Math Curriculum Review TAMI OHOYO COORDINATOR OF SECONDARY MATH TEACHING & LEARNING.

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Presentation on theme: "Kent School District Middle School Math Curriculum Review TAMI OHOYO COORDINATOR OF SECONDARY MATH TEACHING & LEARNING."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kent School District Middle School Math Curriculum Review TAMI OHOYO COORDINATOR OF SECONDARY MATH TEACHING & LEARNING

2 Purpose The purpose of a Curriculum Review shall be to affirm or to recommend changes to curriculum frameworks and/or an instructional materials review. A review would typically result in one of the following actions: ◦Affirm continued use of curriculum frameworks and instructional materials; or ◦Establish a time line for completion of recommended actions

3 Objectives Today you will: Identify “look fors” that connect CCSS and the KSD Instructional Framework Access the digital version of the KSD Math Resource Review Tool Complete the examination of a potential new resource

4 Norms Actively participate and monitor your own air time Have a positive presupposition; gently question ideas and listen to understand Suspend judgment Encourage and respect divergent thinking Stay focused and on task Practice positive problem solving Start and end on time (or earlier) When sharing information, focus on the content not the individual Respect & provide time to process Allow for the option to add to our norms

5 Process Review 4 potential new resources Narrow the options to 2 Pilot the top 2 recommendations Reach consensus on the top recommendation Complete Technology Review Present to Executive Director of Standards Based Instruction (SBI) Present to Instructional Materials Committee (IMC) Present to KSD School Board Communicate with teachers and principals throughout the process

6 Common Core State Standards “What we teach”

7 Instructional Materials Evaluation Tool (IMET) Non-Negotiable FOCUS & COHERENCE Materials must focus coherently on the Major Work of the grade in a way that is consistent with the progressions in the Standards. Learning Progressions ◦The Number System (6, 7) ◦Expressions & Equations (6, 7, 8) ◦Ratios & Proportional Relationships (6, 7) ◦Functions (8)

8 CCSS-M Learning Progressions ◦Read your assigned progressions document ◦As an “expert” group, design a visual representation of the progression ◦Be prepared to share your visual with your table group

9 Connecting “what” we teach to “how” we teach

10 CCSS Practice Standards

11 Connecting “what” we teach to “how” we teach What do we look for in materials that support teachers with the instructional framework? ◦Read your assigned “dimensions” ◦Privately, list what you might look for ◦Share with your table group to consolidate your lists ◦Be prepared to share your thinking with the group

12 BREAK We will reconvene in 15 minutes

13 Content Standards Alignment With your grade level partner: ◦Use the Guiding Statements and the Learning Progressions documents to assist you in completing your review. Evaluate the table of contents and any pacing guides. Also, evaluate units, chapters and lessons. Evaluate both student and teacher materials. Consider time spent on the Major Work of the grade. Then, report your review on the Content Standards Alignment Worksheet.

14 LUNCH We will continue our work in 30 minutes

15 Accessing the KSD Tool Link to survey You will have approximately two hours to review each resource and complete the questions on the survey

16 Reflecting on Your Findings Pick one of the following about which to discuss: ◦Assessment ◦Instruction ◦Standards ◦Technology Are you struggling to find something? Are you excited/disappointed about what you’ve found? Do you have a question for your group?

17 BREAK We will reconvene in 15 minutes

18 Reflecting on Our Process What was most helpful to you? What else do you need to be successful?

19 Next Steps & Wrap Up Thank you for your participation in this important work! Talking points about our process Our next meeting is scheduled for February 5. ◦Please arrange for your substitute

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