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Starter How should Jesus have behaved on the Sabbath? What should he do and not do? Why do Jews keep the Sabbath day holy?

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Presentation on theme: "Starter How should Jesus have behaved on the Sabbath? What should he do and not do? Why do Jews keep the Sabbath day holy?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Starter How should Jesus have behaved on the Sabbath? What should he do and not do? Why do Jews keep the Sabbath day holy?

2 Starter Read the worksheet and complete the questions after each section in your book. HINT: Shabbat means Sabbath and literally “to rest”

3 LO: To understand how Jews in the 1 st Century treated the Sabbath and Biblical evidence for this. Mark your own work! Make sure you add in any corrections! Why do the Jews keep the 10 Commandments? According to the Old Testament, escaping from Egypt Moses led the Israelites through the Wilderness to Mount Sinai. There he received the Ten Commandments, one of which referred to the Sabbath. What does Shabbat mean? ”To rest” Who was included in the day of rest? Everyone! Even God! What reason does the writer of Deuteronomy give for why Jews should observe the Sabbath? This was a reminder that the Jews were once slaves in Egypt.

4 Unit 5: Jesus’ Relationship With Others LO: To understand why Jesus disagreed with the Pharisees about the use of the Sabbath. D/E – I can retell the story of Jesus healing the man with the withered hand. B/C – I can explain why this incident upset the Pharisees. A*/A – I can evaluate whether Jesus was right to heal on the Sabbath.

5 D/E – I can retell the story of Jesus healing the man with the withered hand. What is going on in this picture? Who are the people? Where are they? Who are these people? When is this happening? TASK: Label your picture with answers to these questions. Add detailed labels during the video too.

6 You have four minutes to retell the story in bullet points. Words to help: Synagogue withered hand heal Sabbath to do good or to do evil? to save or to kill? “Stretch out your…” Pharisees Herodians D/E – I can retell the story of Jesus healing the man with the withered hand. Jesus Heals on the Sabbath 3 Another time Jesus went into the synagogue, and a man with a shriveled hand was there. 2 Some of them were looking for a reason to accuse Jesus, so they watched him closely to see if he would heal him on the Sabbath. 3 Jesus said to the man with the shriveled hand, “Stand up in front of everyone.” 4 Then Jesus asked them, “Which is lawful on the Sabbath: to do good or to do evil, to save life or to kill?” But they remained silent. 5 He looked around at them in anger and, deeply distressed at their stubborn hearts, said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.” He stretched it out, and his hand was completely restored. 6 Then the Pharisees went out and began to plot with the Herodians how they might kill Jesus.

7 Why might Jesus healing in the synagogue on the Sabbath have upset the Pharisees? Death was the penalty for breaking the Sabbath – everyone had to keep it! Healing was work according to the oral tradition. Only if it was life threatening were you allowed to break the Sabbath. The Pharisees wanted to catch Jesus out and may have even placed the man there themselves! They did not like Jesus claiming to be the Son of God and wanted to see him breaking the law. B/C – I can explain why this incident upset the Pharisees.

8 Explain why Jesus healing in the synagogue on the Sabbath might have upset the Pharisees. (4 marks) B/C – I can explain why this incident upset the Pharisees.

9 A*/A – I can evaluate whether Jesus was right to heal on the Sabbath. The Sabbath was created to glorify God and to help humans have rest. It wasn’t there so that people were made to suffer! So I was right to heal the man with the withered hand and give him a new lease of life. I’ve got the power to heal, so how could I ignore this man? Hmm.. Maybe it was a set up? Everyone was in the synagogue for Shabbat – we were all there to rest and keep the Sabbath laws, but then Jesus swans in and breaks the law. He was undermining God. He clearly is not the Son of God if He does not obey the Commandments. He certainly is not the Messiah we are waiting for. “Jesus was wrong to heal the man with the withered hand” Do you agree? Give both sides of the argument. Refer to Mark’s Gospel in your answer.

10 A*/A – I can evaluate whether Jesus was right to heal on the Sabbath. “Jesus was wrong to heal the man with the withered hand” Do you agree? Give both sides of the argument. Refer to Mark’s Gospel in your answer. (6 marks) Some people might agree that Jesus was wrong to heal the man because…. Some people might disagree because Jesus had the power to heal the man… I think…

11 Unit 5: Jesus’ Relationship With Others LO: To understand why Jesus disagreed with the Pharisees about the use of the Sabbath. D/E – I can retell the story of Jesus healing the man with the withered hand. B/C – I can explain why this incident upset the Pharisees. A*/A – I can evaluate whether Jesus was right to heal on the Sabbath.

12 60 seconds Summarise the key messages of the lesson in detail in just 60 seconds. Sweets for the best and most detailed answer.

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