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Effect of B Vitamins on Oil Production of Ankistrodesmus Sean Kramer Aberdeen Central High School Purpose Hypothesis Methods Data Analysis 1.Fill 8 clean.

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1 Effect of B Vitamins on Oil Production of Ankistrodesmus Sean Kramer Aberdeen Central High School Purpose Hypothesis Methods Data Analysis 1.Fill 8 clean glass containers with water 2.Place equal amount of Ankistrodesmus algae sample in each container 3.Dissolve 200 mg. each of Vitamin B1 supplement to two of the containers by crushing the vitamin B1 supplement and placing it in the water 4.Repeat step 3 for Vitamin B7 and B12, so that there are two containers for each vitamin, and two with only water 5.Label the samples with their respective vitamins and place them under a light source 6.Culture the algae for 4 weeks 7.Use filter paper to strain the algae from the water 8.Let the algae completely dry 9.For each algae type, weigh out around.1 grams of algae and put it in a test tube, label the tube for the vitamin used 10. Pipet 2 ml. of hexane in each tube, cap and leave the tubes for 30 minutes 11.Label 4 small beakers the same as the test tubes and record the weights 12.Pipet 1 ml of the solution in the test tube into their respective beakers 13.Place the beakers in a fume hood to let evaporate 14.After hexane has evaporated, record the final weight of the beakers and calculate the mass of oil extracted 15.Repeat process for 2 more trials Algae supplemented with B vitamins will produce more oil than algae in pure water. The purpose of this experiment is to determine if different B vitamins will increase the amount of oil produced within the cells of the algae species Ankistrodesmus. If positive results are found, the data could be applied to production of alternative energy through algae. Materials Ankistrodesmus AlgaeFilter Paper 8 glass pint jarsHexane Vitamin B1 supplement4 Test tubes, caps Vitamin B6 supplement4 Beakers Vitamin B12 supplementPipet Data Data Conclusion PHOTOS One-way ANOVA: Control, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12 Source DF SS MS F P Factor 3 284.3 94.8 1.78 0.228 Error 8 425.6 53.2 Total 11 710.0 S = 7.294 R-Sq = 40.05% R-Sq(adj) = 17.57% Individual 95% CIs For Mean Based on Pooled StDev Level N Mean StDev -----+---------+---------+---------+---- Control 3 17.472 13.030 (--------*---------) Vitamin B1 3 4.249 0.592 (--------*---------) Vitamin B6 3 8.016 4.362 (---------*---------) Vitamin B12 3 8.299 4.865 (--------*---------) -----+---------+---------+---------+---- 0 10 20 30 Pooled StDev = 7.294 The ANOVA test shows the relationship of the milligrams of oil per one gram of algae for each of the samples. The P value.228 so there is no significant difference. Because of the ANOVA results, there is no significant difference from the data therefore my original hypothesis is rejected. The P value of my data was.228. For the data to be significant, the P value must be.05 or lower. The results of my experiment show the amount of oil extracted was not effected by the presence of various B Vitamins. The control had a slightly higher mass of oil produced, but it was not significant. B Vitamins do not increase the production of oil in Ankistrodesmus. ControlVitamin B1Vitamin B6Vitamin B12 Trial 132.22923.831412.939013.9165 Trial 27.55433.98804.63395.5096 Trial 312.63364.92616.47555.4695 Milligrams of Oil for One Gram of Algae “Control, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12” on following graphs represent which solution of water the algae sample was grown in. Algae grown with Vitamin B1Test tube with algae and hexane Containers used for growing all algaeTest tubes for each sample during extraction

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