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The life of Leonardo.  Leonardo Da Vinci was born on April 15 th, 1452, in Italy. He died on May 2 nd, 1519.  His surname, Da Vinci, refers to the Tuscan.

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Presentation on theme: "The life of Leonardo.  Leonardo Da Vinci was born on April 15 th, 1452, in Italy. He died on May 2 nd, 1519.  His surname, Da Vinci, refers to the Tuscan."— Presentation transcript:

1 The life of Leonardo

2  Leonardo Da Vinci was born on April 15 th, 1452, in Italy. He died on May 2 nd, 1519.  His surname, Da Vinci, refers to the Tuscan town where he was born.  Leonardo didn’t write from left to right, he wrote from right to left.

3 Amongst many other inventions, I think that his aerial screw was the best. Because it evolved to be a helicopter. He thought he should make them out of linen, and he called them “air screws”. The design was meant to fly, but the problem was he wanted them to be powered by humans. This was difficult because the humans had to lift not only their own weight but also the air screw.

4 So that’s all you need to know about Leonardo da vinci and his inventions

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