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Text Annotations Active Reading. Strategy One Questioning: ask yourself questions about the characters and situations in the book Use this symbol when.

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Presentation on theme: "Text Annotations Active Reading. Strategy One Questioning: ask yourself questions about the characters and situations in the book Use this symbol when."— Presentation transcript:

1 Text Annotations Active Reading

2 Strategy One Questioning: ask yourself questions about the characters and situations in the book Use this symbol when annotating: ?

3 Strategy Two Connecting: make a link between what you are reading to something else such as a personal connection, a connection to another text, or to something in the world Use these symbols when annotating: –TS: Text to Self –TT: Text to another text –TW: Text to World

4 Strategy Three Predicting: Stop and make a guess about what you think might happen next Use this symbol when annotating: –P

5 Strategy Four Evaluating: React to what you read and make judgments about it Use these symbols when annotating: –+, -, E!

6 Strategy Five Inferring: Come to a conclusion about something that has happened based on the clues from the story and your own experiences Use the following symbol when annotating: –I

7 Strategy Six Imaging: Use sensory details to create a picture in your mind of what you read Use the following symbol when annotating:

8 Strategy Seven Vocabulary: define any words that are unfamiliar to you; use context clues for help Use the following symbol when annotating: –V

9 Making Annotations On your Making Annotations Guide, please identify which strategy is being used.

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