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Positive Experiences, Pleasure and Time Time Orientation: Reminiscing about the past (Gratitude and forgiveness) Savoring the present moment (mindfulness)

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Presentation on theme: "Positive Experiences, Pleasure and Time Time Orientation: Reminiscing about the past (Gratitude and forgiveness) Savoring the present moment (mindfulness)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Positive Experiences, Pleasure and Time Time Orientation: Reminiscing about the past (Gratitude and forgiveness) Savoring the present moment (mindfulness) Anticipating the future (hope and optimism)

2 Broaden and build theory Positivity

3 Mood- general emotional state of an individual Positive Affectivity- extent to which an individual experiences positive moods like joy, interest and alertness. …Like weather. …Like climate.

4 Negative emotion alerts us to danger, narrowing options… positive emotion signals safety, and broadens options and build on them.

5 A Grateful Heart O Write down mindfully five things you’re grateful for this morning…take your time.

6 Gratitude: Past/Present Gift Gratitude- feeling of thankfulness or appreciation Grateful- warmly or deeply appreciative of kindness or benefits received. Grateful disposition- a general tendency/practice of gratefulness/thankfulness Ch.1,Exercise 2

7 Gratitude improves physical, emotional, and social well-being… increases the levels of energy, and may also promote recovery from illness (Emmons 2002, 2003, 2007) Six-week Gratitude Challenge “If you’re not experiencing more happiness and satisfaction in your life after this six-week gratitude infusion…I’ll eat my hat!” University of Miami psychologist Michael McCullough

8 Getting Started 1) Keep a Daily Gratitude Journal 2) Use Visual Reminders 3) Have a Gratitude Partner 4) Make a Public Commitment 5) Change Your Self-Talk

9 Gratitude Letter and/or Visit: Think of someone who has been especially kind to you, but who has never heard you express your gratitude. Write and rewrite a Gratitude Letter, describing in concrete terms what they did for you and how it affected your life. Make it soar. Visit them in person, if possible, and read it aloud. Time and Gratitude

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