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Some Basics. Film Driven Music 1.Icon: Lion’s roar or NBC motto 2.Under the credits 3.Melody: overarching – Gone with the Wind 4.Song – an actual song.

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Presentation on theme: "Some Basics. Film Driven Music 1.Icon: Lion’s roar or NBC motto 2.Under the credits 3.Melody: overarching – Gone with the Wind 4.Song – an actual song."— Presentation transcript:

1 Some Basics

2 Film Driven Music 1.Icon: Lion’s roar or NBC motto 2.Under the credits 3.Melody: overarching – Gone with the Wind 4.Song – an actual song or musical quote 5.Transition during travel and fades

3 Plot Driven: 1.Mood: providing mood of plot 2.Foreshadowing: portends a mood to come next 3.Accompaniment: roughly matching the action 4.Mickey Mousing: matching action exactly 5.onomatopoeia: sounds like what it is

4 Character Driven connects with activities 2.leimotive connects with characters

5 Other questions to consider Music under/over dialog? Important moments of silence Role of Foley Particular point of arrival Music of consistent style Balance of music to film as a whole Music having its own life beyond film?

6 Remember Everything you hear that’s music from frame one of a film to the last frame must be considered part of the “score” of a film.

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