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6 th Grade “ God is good, all the time.”. Objectives At the end of tonight’s session, you should be able to: A. Understand that the first family struggled.

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Presentation on theme: "6 th Grade “ God is good, all the time.”. Objectives At the end of tonight’s session, you should be able to: A. Understand that the first family struggled."— Presentation transcript:

1 6 th Grade “ God is good, all the time.”

2 Objectives At the end of tonight’s session, you should be able to: A. Understand that the first family struggled because of original sin; B. Know that God made a covenant with Noah; C. Realize that the unity of the human race was lost; D. Know that God reaches out to help mankind, and that He offers the hope of salvation.

3 Faith Words to learn Original sin : First sin committed by the first human beings. It weakened all of human nature. Because of original sin, human beings (like you & me) are more likely to disobey God; there is evil in the world; and our relationships are sometimes difficult. How is original sin forgiven? Through our baptism. We are born to a new life as sons and daughters of God.

4 Sin: “missing the point” so, we end up not doing what is right or correct A thought A wordagainst God’s laws. Deed or action An omission Through sin, humans severely damaged their friendship with God.

5 Free will : The freedom and ability to choose what to do. God granted all of us the dignity to act on our own & cooperate in His plan of loving goodness.

6 Faithfulness: The loyalty & steadfastness that God shows to all humans, even when they sin. God’s offer of friendship is never withdrawn.

7 The Story of Creation Tells us: The beauty and wonder of the natural world Emphasize the goodness & harmony that God intended in all of his Creation Culminates in human beings, God’s own image & likeness That we are all here because God wanted US at this time in this place for a special reason

8 To sum up: - God always was, even before the universe was created God created everything God created humans in the image of God Gods loves all of his Creation God created us to be happy and live in perfect harmony with Him, with each other, and all creation

9 Story of Adam & Eve About the human weakness for sinning and disobeying God The serpent is symbolic. It is “temptation.” The serpent told Adam & Eve that they can be like God, and know good & evil. They disobeyed God. Their relationship of trust with God was broken. Taught us that soon after men & women were created, sin entered human history & led to pain and suffering.

10 The Story of Cain & Abel Four levels on which this story can be understood: - 1.“Cain & Abel” is about the sacredness of human life 2.It is about the separation of human beings 3.Respect for others and for life 4.The healing power of God’s love

11 Religious truths in the story of Cain & Abel: 1.Each one of us is responsible for one another: family, friends, strangers. 2.We are brothers and sisters because God created us that way. 3.We cannot avoid the obligation to watch out for one another. 4.That all life is sacred; even the life of someone who takes someone else’s life.

12 The Story of Noah God was fed up with human beings. Even though they were created in God’s image, they insisted on disobeying God. So, God “destroyed everyone and started from scratch.” The Great Flood was illustrated as the ancient belief that God washed the world clean of sinfulness & gave another chance to those who were faithful.

13 Noah’s Faithfulness God takes great care to save Noah & his family They were very faithful to God They were the only ones who lived as God wanted them to live. Because of them God decided that the world was worth saving after all.

14 After the Great Flood, God made a covenant with Noah. What covenant did God make with Noah? God promised not to send another flood to destroy the earth.

15 Religious Truths about the Story of Noah God’s forgiveness and love can overcome Humanity’s goodness ALL evil All people are called to friendship with God

16 Symbolism of the Rainbow It is a sign of God’s covenant with Noah and all humanity. When God and Israel see the rainbow in the clouds, they will recall their covenant together. It represents both God’s love and the Church.

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