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Can I have some sweets? 威海市文登区大水泊小学 于承霞 appleapples some.

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Presentation on theme: "Can I have some sweets? 威海市文登区大水泊小学 于承霞 appleapples some."— Presentation transcript:


2 Can I have some sweets? 威海市文登区大水泊小学 于承霞

3 appleapples some

4 pear pearssome

5 banana bananassome

6 orangeorangessome

7 sweets some biscuits some

8 milk some rice some meat

9 soup some

10 bread some

11 fruit

12 applesbananas pears chocolatesbiscuits dumplings vegetables sweetsorangespeanuts noodles ricefish soupbread fruitmilk cakemeat 可数名词(两个或两个以上可加 S) 不可数名词(不加 S )

13 S c a f o p b m n










23 Listen and think 听一听,想一想 Today is ________birthday. A. Amy’s B. Sam’s C. Daming’s D. Lingling’s A


25 Mmmm. Come here, Amy. Mum, I can't see. It's very dark. Well, turn on the light.


27 读一读: Mum, I’m hungry. Can I have some soup? Sorry , you can’t.

28 But I’m hungry. Can I have some sweets, please? Sorry , you can’t.

29 Can I have some bread? Sorry , you can’t. BUT Mum, I’M VERY HUNGRY!

30 Mmmm. Come here, Amy. Mum, I can’t see. It’s very dark. Well, turn on the light.

31 Happy birthday, Amy! Thank you.

32 Now you can have some biscuits, some fruit and some cake. Happy birthday to you … Thank you, Mum.

33 applesbananaspearschocolatesbiscuits sweetsoranges ricefish soup breadfruitmilk meat Can I have some…? Yes, you can. Sorry, you can’t.

34 Chant: Can I have some soup? Can I have some fruit? Yes, you can. You can have some bread. Can I have some biscuits? Can I have some sweets? Sorry, you can't. You can't have some cake.

35 Homework: 1. 在家和你的爸爸、妈妈要东西吃时,练习 说句型 “Can I have some…?” 并教他们说出 正确的回答。 2. 四人小组把课文编成一小短剧,进行表演。

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