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The Revolutionary Era Patrick Henry Paul Revere Sam Adams.

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Presentation on theme: "The Revolutionary Era Patrick Henry Paul Revere Sam Adams."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Revolutionary Era Patrick Henry Paul Revere Sam Adams

2 Mercantilism was an economic policy of England in which the purpose of the colonies was to supply England with raw materials and markets.

3 The debt from the French and Indian War made England feel justified in taxing the colonies.

4 Events Leading to the Revolution Proclamation of 1763 Sugar Act Stamp Act Quartering Act Townshend Acts Boston Massacre Boston Tea Party Intolerable Acts

5 The Intolerable Acts (closing of port of Boston, etc.) were to make an example of Massachusetts after the Boston Tea Party and resulted in the calling of the First Continental Congress.

6 Declaration of Independence Author: Thomas Jefferson Accomplishment of Second Continental Congress

7 According to the Declaration of Independence, the purpose of government is to protect the rights of individuals. Unalienable rights are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

8 The Proclamation of 1763 was designed to avoid conflicts between American colonists and Native Americans. The colonists felt the Proclamation limited their freedom to move west.

9 “No taxation without representation” expressed the colonial belief in the consent of the governed. Taxation such as the Stamp Act was addressed in the list of grievances in the Declaration of Independence, “For imposing taxes without our consent.

10 Thomas Paine wrote Common Sense to encourage the colonists to declare their independence from England.

11 Jefferson was influenced in his writing of the Declaration of Independence by John Locke’s idea that government is a social contract between the government and the governed.

12 Heroes of the Revolution included individuals such as James Armistead Wentworth Cheswell Bernardo de Galvez

13 Haym Soloman—Jewish immigrant who helped to finance the War for the Americans James Armistead—African American slave who served as a spy for the Americans

14 Battle of Saratoga Turning point of War Resulted in military alliance with France

15 Lexington and Concord First shots of the American Revolution fired here.

16 John Paul Jones, commander of the Bonhomme Richard, defeated the British frigate, the Guerriere. When called to surrender, Jones’ reply was, “I have not yet begun to fight.”

17 Battle of Yorktown Last major battle of War Cornwallis’ army surrenders to the Americans and French

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