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Road Trip Games Using an American Tradition to Learn English.

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Presentation on theme: "Road Trip Games Using an American Tradition to Learn English."— Presentation transcript:

1 Road Trip Games Using an American Tradition to Learn English

2 The Open Road: Part of the American Consciousness

3 … though sometimes it looks more like this…

4 Highway Map ► Odd Numbers: North/South ► Even Numbers: East/West ► Begin numbering in South & West

5 Typical Highway ► Good signs ► 2-4 lanes ► Smaller roads use bridges/exit ramps

6 Family Road Trip ► How to keep those smiles? GAMES

7 Characteristics of Road Trip Games ► No Reading (some people get car sick, and driver can’t) ► No Writing (Too difficult!) ► Lots of speaking ► Lots of vocabulary and structure practice

8 Guessing Game ► One person thinks of a person, place, or thing, and the other person asks yes/no questions to figure out what the other person is thinking of. ► This is a great way to practice asking and answering questions.

9 Have you ever? ► Take turns asking a question like “Have you ever climbed a mountain?” or “Have you ever been to Lombok?” ► If players have done the activity, they put up one finger. ► The first person to have 10 fingers up is the winner! ► Good way to practice Present Perfect Tense – make students say the full sentence answer, i.e. “Yes, I have been to Lombok.”

10 Categories ► Think of a category, like “fruits” or “sports.” ► Take turns saying one item from that category. ► The first person who cannot think of an item is out. ► Continue until only one person is left – he or she wins!

11 Would You Rather? ► Take turns suggesting two equally strange situations. (i.e. “Would you rather have feet for hands and hands for feet, or have eyebrows that crawled around your face like caterpillars?) ► Discuss as a group and decide which you would prefer.

12 I’m going on a trip and I’m bringing a… ► One person starts by saying “I’m going on a trip and I’m bringing an Apple” (or any other word that starts with A). ► The next person says “I’m going on a trip and I’m bringing an Apple and a Balloon (or any other word that starts with B). ► The game continues, with each person adding a word for each new letter of the alphabet. ► It will get really difficult to remember all 26 items!

13 Fifteen ► Players go around the circle saying a number until they reach 15. ► Whoever says fifteen gets to change one number to a word (i.e. seven is now “banana”). ► The next time the group counts, they must say banana instead of seven. Whoever says “fifteen” changes another number to a word. ► If someone forgets one of the new words, they are out. ► Whoever is left at the end wins!

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