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RARPA The Bare Necessities What does RARPA stand for?

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Presentation on theme: "RARPA The Bare Necessities What does RARPA stand for?"— Presentation transcript:

1 RARPA The Bare Necessities What does RARPA stand for?

2 RARPA The Bare Necessities RARPA stands for: Recognising And Recording Progress and Achievement ( in non-externally accredited programmes ) (Tip - read as - Personalised or Individualised Learning)

3 RARPA The Bare Necessities

4 What is RARPA? A Quality Assurance (QA) Framework The only Personalised /Individualised Learning QA Framework which is accepted by funding bodies and by OFSTED (OFSTED changes from September 2015 – more personal development, welfare.) (Tip – RARPA is not an Awarding Body – Is your awarding organisation clear?)

5 RARPA The Bare Necessities What are the five stages of the RARPA QA Framework?

6 A quick reminder about… Identification of challenging learning objectives RARPA RARPA stands for: Recognising And Recording Progress and Achievement There are 5 stages to the RARPA process There are 5 stages to RARPA Course Aims Appropriate to the learner Initial Assessment to establish learners starting point Review (Recognition and recording of progress during Programme) End of programme final review of progress and achievement outcomes - celebration Things to think about in your sessions… How can I be creative in the way that I feedback and capture evidence of progress? Am I using the relevant information from the subject assessment? Will the objectives help the student to achieve the aim? Will these objectives really challenge this student? Am I using a range of assessment techniques? How are we going to celebrate success at the end of term? RARPA stands for: Recognising And Recording Progress and Achievement

7 RARPA The Bare Necessities Aim for today? Explore practical ways RARPA can work for you. Tutor or Centre Manager (NB. Centres with Quality Mark or working towards can support others) (Tip – Course Aim - ‘To leave them wanting more’. 80/20 rule)

8 RARPA The Bare Necessities Clearly state programme/project aims To improve creative needlework skills. To understand steps in gaining employment To be aware of the changes in legislation in mental health (Tip - Remember ‘Fun’ – consider - explore, experiment, investigate, research, etc.) (Tip - Course/project aims are often used in publicity material where you need to get people interested in the programme. They should inspire and encourage learners to attend the programme.) (Tip - Think about wider outcomes and learner progression from the outset) (Tip - Copy aims to SOW and Tracker)

9 RARPA The Bare Necessities Wider Outcomes Improved relationships Improved health Improved progression opportunities Improved independence, confidence or feeling less isolated Learner Enrichment Priorities Maths and English Health & Safety Equality & Diversity Learning Technology

10 RARPA The Bare Necessities Initial Assessment Examples Prior Learning (existing CV, certificates, art portfolio, etc.) Questionnaire Fitness Test Timely (Tracker – Short Courses) (Tip – Variety is fine - evidence is good - video, witness statement, etc. (Tip - Only assess against course aims)

11 RARPA The Bare Necessities Are your learning Objectives SMART? Small (Specific) Do they reflect small bite sized chunks of learning? Measurable Can you be really precise and unambiguous? (Meaningful) Achievable Are they set at an appropriate level of learning for individual learners whilst providing challenge and stretch? Realistic Can they be easily managed within the environment of the programme? Time RelatedCan the learner be expected to complete and evidence the objective within in the timeframe specified? (Tip – use express, explain, identify, demonstrate, etc.) (Tip - keep to less than five/six objectives)

12 RARPA The Bare Necessities Review Short courses (<20 hrs.) (Tracker simplified for 15.16) Substantial Courses (>20 hrs.) Individual Learning Plan/ILPs (appropriate new formats) In Course Review (Formative Assessment) (Tip – Tutors do not have to do all reviews) (Tip – Use learner review for course feedback)

13 RARPA The Bare Necessities Outcomes ‘The Learner can…….’ Outcomes Star (Making Every Adult Matter - MEAM) (Tip – Outcomes are simply the final/highest level learning objectives - recorded on certificates.) (Tip – View outcomes as valuable initial assessment for returning learners – cut and paste) (Tip -Remember to CELEBRATE)

14 RARPA Curriculum Group Activities Share: three course aims three initial assessment ideas (consider - Are they ‘timely and fast’?) three innovative learner review/feedback ideas – consider ‘How does learner feedback shape provision?’) (incorporate new technology where possible)

15 RARPA The bare necessities of life will come to you. Your initial assessment of today? Are we? ‘Killing snakes’ or ‘Flirting with Perfection’? BagheeraBagheera: Had I known how deeply I was to be involved, I would've obeyed my first impulse and walked away.

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