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Butterfly Life Cycle Nathally Mrs. Countryman Stage 1: Egg.

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2 Butterfly Life Cycle Nathally Mrs. Countryman

3 Stage 1: Egg

4 Butterflies lay eggs in different kinds of plants so they can be safe and so nobody can eat them or take them. They also don’t want people to put them in different places or take them and throw them in leafs or on the ground.

5 Stage Two: Caterpillar:

6 Caterpillars have black and green strips and yellow dots. The caterpillar looks like a worm.

7 Stage Three: Chrysalis

8 A caterpillar hangs up side down in a chrysalis. Then it can fly to get nectar from flowers after the butterfly hathes.

9 Stage Four: Butterfly

10 Butterflies fly to different flowers to get nectar. The last stage in the life cycle of a butterfly is the adult stage.

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