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Explaining Stress Stress and Suicide Unit Lesson 1.

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1 Explaining Stress Stress and Suicide Unit Lesson 1

2 What Is Stress? The response of the body to the demands of daily living The response of the body to the demands of daily living Stressor = source or cause of stress Stressor = source or cause of stress –Mental, physical, social, environmental –Positive and negative

3 General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) A series of body changes that result from stress A series of body changes that result from stress Three (3) stages: Three (3) stages: 1.Alarm Stage 2.Resistance Stage 3.Exhaustion Stage

4 General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) Alarm Stage (Stage 1) Alarm Stage (Stage 1) –Body gets ready for quick action; responds –Adrenaline is produced (hormone that prepares body during times of stress or emergency) –Also called “fight-or-flight response (GAS gets you ready to take action or to run away to protect yourself

5 General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) Resistance Stage (Stage 2) Resistance Stage (Stage 2) –Body attempts to regain internal balance –No longer in “emergency” state **First 2 stages are normal and healthful **First 2 stages are normal and healthful

6 General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) Exhaustion Stage (Stage 3) Exhaustion Stage (Stage 3) –People who do not know how to take positive actions to their stressors become exhausted –Fall into this stage –Wear and tear on body increases the risk of injury, illness, and premature death

7 General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) Alarm Stage Pupils dilate Hearing sharpens Saliva decreases Heart rate increases Blood pressure increases Bronchioles dilate Digestion slows Blood flow to muscles increases Muscles tighten Resistance Stage Pupils constrict Hearing is normal Saliva increases Heart rate decreases Blood pressure decreases Bronchioles constrict Intestinal secretions increase to normal Blood flow to muscles decreases Muscles relax

8 Friendships Financial strain Academics Family conflicts Dating relationships Other Illness or injury Peer pressure Negative emotions Stress Stress Web How many of these types of stress do you experience on a regular basis?

9 Stress Management Skills Prevent and deal with stressors Prevent and deal with stressors Protect health from harmful effects produced by the stress response Protect health from harmful effects produced by the stress response

10 Stress Management Skills Use responsible decision-making skills Use responsible decision-making skills Manage your time Manage your time Set limits (it’s okay to say no) Set limits (it’s okay to say no) Keep a budget Keep a budget Talk with parents, a guardian, or other responsible adults Talk with parents, a guardian, or other responsible adults Have a support network of friends Have a support network of friends Participate in physical activity (take care of yourself) Participate in physical activity (take care of yourself) Write in a journal (express your feelings) Write in a journal (express your feelings) Use relaxation techniques Use relaxation techniques Eat a healthy diet Eat a healthy diet Get plenty of rest and sleep Get plenty of rest and sleep

11 Health in the Media Can Social Media Cause Stress? Can Social Media Cause Stress? –Refer to page 477 in your textbooks

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