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6-1 Radical Functions & Rational Exponents Unit Objectives: Simplify radical and rational exponent expressions Solve radical equations Solve rational exponent.

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Presentation on theme: "6-1 Radical Functions & Rational Exponents Unit Objectives: Simplify radical and rational exponent expressions Solve radical equations Solve rational exponent."— Presentation transcript:

1 6-1 Radical Functions & Rational Exponents Unit Objectives: Simplify radical and rational exponent expressions Solve radical equations Solve rational exponent equations Today’s Objective: I can simplify radical expressions.

2 Review of Exponent Properties Simplify with positive exponents only.

3 Roots & Radical Expressions PowersRootsRadicals 2 is the square root of 4 2 is the cube root of 8 2 is the fourth root of 16 a is the n th root of b Index: Degree of root Radicand

4 Simplifying Radicals 1.Write radicand in factors raised to the nth power or less. 2.Take the n th root of all factors to the n th power. 3.Simplify in front of radical and under radical.

5 Simplifying Radicals 1.Write radicand in factors raised to the nth power or less. 2.Take the n th root of all factors to the n th power. 3.Simplify in front of radical and under radical.

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