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1 1 Rachid Nouicer - BNL PHOBOS PANIC2005 1 Global Observables from Au+Au, Cu+Cu, d+Au and p+p Collisions at RHIC Energies Rachid NOUICER Brookhaven National.

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Presentation on theme: "1 1 Rachid Nouicer - BNL PHOBOS PANIC2005 1 Global Observables from Au+Au, Cu+Cu, d+Au and p+p Collisions at RHIC Energies Rachid NOUICER Brookhaven National."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 1 Rachid Nouicer - BNL PHOBOS PANIC2005 1 Global Observables from Au+Au, Cu+Cu, d+Au and p+p Collisions at RHIC Energies Rachid NOUICER Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) (for PHOBOS Collaboration) PANIC05 Particles and Nuclei International Conference Santa Fe, NM - October 24-28, 2005

2 2 2 Rachid Nouicer - BNL PHOBOS PANIC2005 2 Burak Alver, Birger Back, Mark Baker, Maarten Ballintijn, Donald Barton, Russell Betts, Richard Bindel, Wit Busza (Spokesperson), Zhengwei Chai, Vasundhara Chetluru, Edmundo García, Tomasz Gburek, Kristjan Gulbrandsen, Clive Halliwell, Joshua Hamblen, Ian Harnarine, Conor Henderson, David Hofman, Richard Hollis, Roman Hołyński, Burt Holzman, Aneta Iordanova, Jay Kane,Piotr Kulinich, Chia Ming Kuo, Wei Li, Willis Lin, Constantin Loizides, Steven Manly, Alice Mignerey, Gerrit van Nieuwenhuizen, Rachid Nouicer, Andrzej Olszewski, Robert Pak, Corey Reed, Eric Richardson, Christof Roland, Gunther Roland, Joe Sagerer, Iouri Sedykh, Chadd Smith, Maciej Stankiewicz, Peter Steinberg, George Stephans, Andrei Sukhanov, Artur Szostak, Marguerite Belt Tonjes, Adam Trzupek, Sergei Vaurynovich, Robin Verdier, Gábor Veres, Peter Walters, Edward Wenger, Donald Willhelm, Frank Wolfs, Barbara Wosiek, Krzysztof Woźniak, Shaun Wyngaardt, Bolek Wysłouch ARGONNE NATIONAL LABORATORYBROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LABORATORY INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR PHYSICS PAN, KRAKOWMASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY NATIONAL CENTRAL UNIVERSITY, TAIWANUNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT CHICAGO UNIVERSITY OF MARYLANDUNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER PHOBOS Collaboration

3 3 3 Rachid Nouicer - BNL PHOBOS PANIC2005 3 Outline What can we learn from Au+Au and Cu+Cu Collisions at RHIC Energies? at RHIC Energies? What can we learn from charged hadron production in Cu+Cu compared to Au+Au? What is the interplay between collision centrality (geometry) and collision energy? How does elliptic flow scale with geometry and density? (See Alice Mignerey’s Talk: session 4, Section I.7). Summary

4 4 4 Rachid Nouicer - BNL PHOBOS PANIC2005 4 19.6 GeV62.4 GeV130 GeV 200 GeV Cu+Cu d+Au Au+Au centrality Pseudorapidity Distributions of Charged Particles There is no evidence for two separate regions “mid-rapidity and fragmentation regions” in any of the RHIC energies “Continuous distributions” New Results from PHOBOS Cu+Cu at 62.4 and 200 GeV

5 5 5 Rachid Nouicer - BNL PHOBOS PANIC2005 5 19.6 GeV62.4 GeV130 GeV 200 GeV Cu+Cu d+Au Au+Au centrality Pseudorapidity Distributions of Charged Particles We define the mid-rapidity region: |  | < 1 PHOBOS references for the data: Au+Au : PRL 91, 052303 (2003) PRC: nucl-ex/0509034 d+Au : PRL 93, 082301 (2004) Cu+Cu : QM2005: e-Print nucl-ex/0510042

6 6 6 Rachid Nouicer - BNL PHOBOS PANIC2005 6 Au+Au : PRL 91, 052303 (2003) PRC: nucl-ex/0509034 Au+Au, Pb+Pb and p(p)+ p Collisions Interplay Between Collision Energy and System Size Particle Density at Mid-rapidity |  | < 1

7 7 7 Rachid Nouicer - BNL PHOBOS PANIC2005 7 Au+Au : PRL 91, 052303 (2003) PRC: nucl-ex/0509034 Cu+Cu: QM2005: e-Print nucl-ex/0510042 Au+Au, Pb+Pb, Cu+Cu and p(p)+ p Collisions Interplay Between Collision Energy and System Size Particle Density at Mid-rapidity |  | < 1

8 8 8 Rachid Nouicer - BNL PHOBOS PANIC2005 8 Au+Au, Pb+Pb, Cu+Cu and p(p)+ p Collisions Interplay Between Collision Energy and System Size In symmetric collisions Nucleus-Nucleus: it seems the density per nucleon doesn ’ t depend on the size of the two colliding nuclei but it depends on the colliding energy Au+Au : PRL 91, 052303 (2003) PRC: nucl-ex/0509034 Cu+Cu: QM2005: e-Print nucl-ex/0510042 Particle Density at Mid-rapidity |  | < 1

9 9 9 Rachid Nouicer - BNL PHOBOS PANIC2005 9 Unscaled dN/d  very similar for Au+Au and Cu+Cu at same N part Cu+Cu Preliminary 3-6%, N part = 100 62.4 GeV 200 GeV Cu+Cu Preliminary 3-6%, N part = 96 Au+Au 35-40%, N part = 99 Au+Au 35-40%,N part = 98 Similarity Between Cu+Cu vs Au+Au Collisions dN/d  in Cu+Cu vs Au+Au Collisions at Similar N part

10 10 Rachid Nouicer - BNL PHOBOS PANIC2005 10 Cu+Cu Preliminary 15-25%, N part = 61 Au+Au 45-50%,N part = 62 Cu+Cu Preliminary 15-25%, N part = 60 Au+Au 45-55%, N part = 56 For same system size (N part ), Cu+Cu and Au+Au are very similar. 62.4 GeV200 GeV This is not coincidence dN/d  in Cu+Cu vs Au+Au Collisions at Similar N part Similarity Between Cu+Cu vs Au+Au Collisions

11 11 Rachid Nouicer - BNL PHOBOS PANIC2005 11 Charged Particle Production in Forward Regions Extended Longitudinal Scaling “Limiting Fragmentation” Scenario Au+Au/Cu+Cu Collisions Extended longitudinal scaling appears to be independent of energy and size of the colliding nuclei for more central collision over a very large range of |  |-y beam In the rest frame of one of the colliding nuclei: Centrality: 0-6%

12 12 Rachid Nouicer - BNL PHOBOS PANIC2005 12 preliminary 62.4 GeV 200 GeV Cu+Cu d+Au Au+Au PHOBOS references for the data: Au+Au: PRL 94, 082304 (2005), PLB 578, 297 (2004) d+Au: Phys. Rev. Lett 91, 072302 (2003) Cu+Cu : QM2005: e-Print nucl-ex/0510042 Charged Hadron p T Spectra (Rapidity Range: 0.2 < y <1.4)

13 13 Rachid Nouicer - BNL PHOBOS PANIC2005 13 Au+Au Similarity Between Cu+Cu vs Au+Au Collisions Au+Au: PRL 94, 082304 (2005), PLB 578, 297 (2004) Nuclear Modification Factor vs N part 200 GeV

14 14 Rachid Nouicer - BNL PHOBOS PANIC2005 14 Cu+Cu preliminary Au+Au Au+Au: PRL 94, 082304 (2005), PLB 578, 297 (2004)Cu+Cu: G. Roland Talk QM2005, e-Print nucl-ex/0510042 Similarity Between Cu+Cu vs Au+Au Collisions Nuclear Modification Factor vs N part 200 GeV

15 15 Rachid Nouicer - BNL PHOBOS PANIC2005 15 Cu+Cu preliminary Au+Au Similarity Between Cu+Cu vs Au+Au Collisions Nuclear Modification Factor vs N part 62.4 GeV Au+Au: PRL 94, 082304 (2005) Cu+Cu: G. Roland Talk QM2005, e-Print nucl-ex/0510042

16 16 Rachid Nouicer - BNL PHOBOS PANIC2005 16 p/p ratio very similar in Cu+Cu and Au+Au Similarity Between Cu+Cu vs Au+Au Collisions Anti-proton/proton Ratio

17 17 Rachid Nouicer - BNL PHOBOS PANIC2005 17 Factorization What is the interplay between collision centrality (geometry) and collision energy?

18 18 Rachid Nouicer - BNL PHOBOS PANIC2005 18 Au+Au PHOBOS Cu+Cu preliminary 200/19.6 200/62.4 200/130 Cu+Cu preliminary Au+Au PHOBOS HIJING Saturation We observe Energy/Centrality Factorization. Is this factorization an initial state effect? Factorization of Particle Density at Mid-rapidity (|  |<1) Interplay Between Collision Centrality (Geometry) and Collision Energy

19 19 Rachid Nouicer - BNL PHOBOS PANIC2005 19 Energy/Centrality factorization up to p T ≈ 4 GeV/c for N part > 40 Factorization in p T at Mid-rapidity Interplay Between Collision Centrality (Geometry) and Collision Energy Ratio of charged hadron yields in 200 GeV to 62 GeV Au+Au: PRL 94, 082304 (2005) = 0.25 GeV/c = 1.25 GeV/c = 2.5 GeV/c = 3.38 GeV/c = 3.88 GeV/c

20 20 Rachid Nouicer - BNL PHOBOS PANIC2005 20 Factorization of dN/d  Shapes Does this factorization work and can we predict the dN/d  distributions of Cu+Cu based on Au+Au? dN Fact. (Cu+Cu: x%) = dN Meas. (Cu+Cu: x%) dd dd ? Systematic errors are not shown Cu+Cu at 200 GeV Au+Au at 200 GeV dN Fact. (CuCu: x %) = R Au (0-6%) dN Meas. (AuAu: x %) dd dd Cu dN/d  (Cu+Cu: 0-6%) = dN/d  (Au+Au: 0-6%) R Au (0-6%) Cu Au+Au : PRL 93, 082302 (2004) for AuAu Cu+Cu: QM2005, e-Print nucl-ex/0510042 System Size Independence of Pseudorapidity Shapes

21 21 Rachid Nouicer - BNL PHOBOS PANIC2005 21 Factorization of dN/d  Shapes System Size Independence of Pseudorapidity Shapes It thus appears that dN/d  shapes are independent of the overall size of the colliding nuclei, at least between the Cu+Cu and Au+Au systems studied here. 200 GeV

22 22 Rachid Nouicer - BNL PHOBOS PANIC2005 22 What we can learn from charged hadron production in Cu+Cu compared to Au+Au? For the same system size (N part, N coll ) and at the same energy, Cu+Cu and Au+Au are very similar: – Particle Density – Extended Longitudinal Scaling – Total Multiplicity – Particle Ratio p/p – Nuclear Modification dN/dp T (R AA ) Scaling of Hadron Production Summary I

23 23 Rachid Nouicer - BNL PHOBOS PANIC2005 23 What is the interplay between collision centrality (geometry) and collision energy? Factorization of geometry and energy dependence is observed: –Particle Density at Mid-rapidity (|  |<1) – p T spectra – dN/d  Shapes Geometry and Energy Summary II Do these “Scaling and Factorization” observations in charged particle production persist to HIC at LHC?

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