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Jupiter is the biggest plant in the solar system.Jupiter also has four plant sized moons.Jupiter has 60 moons.

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3 Jupiter is the biggest plant in the solar system.Jupiter also has four plant sized moons.Jupiter has 60 moons.

4 I know a lot about this plant

5 Jupiter's big red spot is a storm that has been going on for about 300 years!!!! Jupiter is a gassy plant so its passed the asteroid belt witch means that its on the outer rings.

6 Jupiter is the biggest plant in the solar system but it spins very very fast on its axis. a day on Jupiter only last 9 hours.

7 Jupiter takes 12 years to orbit the sun. You could put ten earths in Jupiter wow!

8 Some people think that the plant Jupiter is just a plant filled with gas and if you tried to land on it you'll fall throw.But that’s not true its gravity would hold you in place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!

9 There is a lot too learn about Jupiter.See what you can find out.

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