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Time in History. Composition Notebook Date in upper right hand corner of page or at the begging of your notes Essential Question / Objective Bell Ringer.

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Presentation on theme: "Time in History. Composition Notebook Date in upper right hand corner of page or at the begging of your notes Essential Question / Objective Bell Ringer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Time in History

2 Composition Notebook Date in upper right hand corner of page or at the begging of your notes Essential Question / Objective Bell Ringer Notes (taken from book or PowerPoint) Graphic Organizer or Exit Slip

3 Dividing Time History of mankind is divided into two large time periods BC and AD or BCE and CE BC = Before Christ AD = Anno Domini (Latin for) in the year of our lord Ex. 300BC = three hundred years before Christ Ex. 500 AD = five hundred years after Christ Before Common Era (BCE) and Common Era (CE) BCE= BC and CE= AD

4 BC (Backwards) AD (Advancing) BC (Before Christ) These dates count backwards BC “backwards count” Each year decreases (ex. 100BC, 99BC, 98BC) AD (Anno Domini) Dates you see most often. They represent the time we live in now. Each year adds upon the next. (ex. 2007, 2008, 2009)

5 BC / AD Timeline AD dates count forward from 1 AD BC dates count backwards form 1 AD In this class what dates will we mostly be concerned with? AD or BC? (cornell notes) (place this question in the margins) (2 minutes think pair share with partner) 1 AD 400 BC 300BC 200BC 100BC100 200 300 400

6 Centuries What is a century? What century are we currently in?

7 Centuries (cont..) A century consists of 100 years But it is a hundred years leading to that year 20 th century was 1901 to 2000 17 th Century was? ___ to ____ ? 12 th Century was? _____ to ______? 1 st Century was? ______ to _______ ? 5 th Century was? _______ to _______?

8 Century:Dates: 1 st 1-100 2 nd 101-200 11 th 1001-1100 20 th 1901-2000 The last number of a century is the only one that actually matches the number of the century. For example the 20 th Century ended in 2000. How many Centuries have you lived in?

9 Decades What is a decade? 10 years Beginning always starts with 0 and the decade ends in 9 For example the 1960s (1960-1969) Historically decades have been labeled with specific characteristics What are the1960s known as? What was the 1970s know as? What about the 1920s? What do you think the 2000s will be labeled as? (1 Minute turn and talk)

10 1960s known as the decade of social liberation (civil rights, women’s rights, hippie/counterculture, anti-war) 1970s were known as the disco decade 1920s were known as the roaring 20’s because of the renewed vision of youth and the economic opportunities before the stock market crash of 1929.

11 Apply to Today How many decades have you lived in? How many decades have your parents lived in?

12 What century are these in? 1503= 2001= 2200= 2202= 1198= 1823= Without looking at your notes: What is difference in they way that time is counted between BC and AD Match to similar answer: ADBCE BCCE What is a decade? What is a century?

13 Exit Ticket / Practice In what century do the following dates fall? 1492=___1488=___ 1865=___1776=___ 1901=___1900=___ 1099=___1620=___ 2001=___1500=___ Match dates with Century 1. 1201-1300A. 15 th Century 2. 1457B. 13 th Century 3. 1975-1999C. 18 th Century 4. 1800D. 20 th Century 5. 1650E. 16 th Century 6. 1550-1559F. 17 th Century

14 Check Your Answers In What century do the following dates fall? 1492=_15 th _1488=_15 th __ 1865=_19 th __1776=_18 th __ 1901=_20 th __1900=__19 th _ 1099=__11 th _1620=_17 th __ 2001=__21 st _1500=_15 th __ Match dates with Century 1. 1201-1300A. 15 th Century 2. 1457B. 13 th Century 3. 1975-1999C. 18 th Century 4. 1800D. 20 th Century 5. 1650E. 16 th Century 6. 1550-1559F. 17 th Century

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