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1 FUNCTIONS - I Chapter 5 ANIMATION. 2 3 Demos Demo of a simple value-returning function Demo of a void function Demo of a void function calling a value-

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2 2 3 Demos Demo of a simple value-returning function Demo of a void function Demo of a void function calling a value- returning function

3 3 Demo 1 A Simple Value Returning Function

4 4 Demo 1) simple float-function float cube(float x) { float y=x*x*x; return y; } int main() { float n=5; cout<< cube(n) << endl; }

5 5 Demo 1) simple float-function /2 float cube(float x) { float y=x*x*x; return y; } int main() { float n=5;  START EXECUTION cout<< cube(n) << endl; } 5 n

6 6 float cube(float x) { float y=x*x*x; return y; } int main() { float n=5; cout<< cube(n) << endl;  Fn Call } 5 n 5 x Demo 1) simple float-function /3

7 7 float cube(float x) { float y=x*x*x;  In Fn return y; } int main() { float n=5; cout<< cube(n) << endl; } 5 x 125 y Demo 1) simple float-function /4

8 8 float cube(float x) { float y=x*x*x; return y;  RETURN } int main() { float n=5; cout<< cube(n) << endl; } 5 x 125 y Demo 1) simple float-function /5

9 9 float cube(float x) { float y=x*x*x; return y; } int main() { float n=5; cout<< 125 << endl;  Continue } 5 n Demo 1) simple float-function /6

10 10 float cube(float x) { float y=x*x*x; return y; } int main() { float n=5; cout<<cube(n)<< endl; }  done 125 Console 5 n Demo 1) simple float-function /7

11 11 Demo 2 A Void Function

12 12 void printhello(float x) { for (int i=0; i<x; i++) { cout<< "Hi There !!!!" << endl; } int main() { printhello(2);  START HERE } Demo 2) void-function /1

13 13 Demo 2) void-function /2 void printhello(float x) { for (int i=0; i<x; i++) { cout<< "Hi There !!!!" << endl; } int main() { printhello(2);  COPY ARGUMENT TO PARAMETER } 2 x

14 14 Demo 2) void-function /3 void printhello(float x) { CREATE LOCAL VAR for (int i=0; i<x; i++) { cout<< "Hi There !!!!" << endl; } int main() { printhello(2); } 2 x 0 i

15 15 Demo 2) void-function /4 void printhello(float x) { Check Counter for (int i=0; i<x; i++) { cout<< "Hi There !!!!" << endl; } int main() { printhello(2); } 2 x 0 i

16 16 Demo 2) void-function /5 void printhello(float x) { for (int i=0; i<x; i++) { cout<< "Hi There !!!!" << endl;  } int main() { printhello(2); } 2 x 0 i Hi There!!! Console

17 17 Demo 2) void-function /6 void printhello(float x) { Add 1 to counter for (int i=0; i<x; i++) { cout<< "Hi There !!!!" << endl; } int main() { printhello(2); } 2 x 0 i Hi There!!! Console

18 18 Demo 2) void-function /7 void printhello(float x) { Check Counter for (int i=0; i<x; i++) { cout<< "Hi There !!!!" << endl; } int main() { printhello(2); } 2 x 1 i Hi There!!! Console

19 19 Demo 2) void-function /8 void printhello(float x) { for (int i=0; i<x; i++) { cout<< "Hi There !!!!" << endl;  } int main() { printhello(2); } 2 x 1 i Hi There!!! Console

20 20 Demo 2) void-function /9 void printhello(float x) { Add 1 to counter for (int i=0; i<x; i++) { cout<< "Hi There !!!!" << endl; } int main() { printhello(2); } 2 x 1 i Hi There!!! Console

21 21 Demo 2) void-function /10 void printhello(float x) { Check Counter for (int i=0; i<x; i++) { cout<< "Hi There !!!!" << endl; } int main() { printhello(2); } 2 x 2 i Hi There!!! Console

22 22 Demo 2) void-function /11 void printhello(float x) { for (int i=0; i<x; i++) { cout<< "Hi There !!!!" << endl; } }  Done, go to line after call int main() { printhello(2); } 2 x 2 i Hi There!!! Console

23 23 Demo 2) void-function /12 void printhello(float x) { for (int i=0; i<x; i++) { cout<< "Hi There !!!!" << endl; } int main() { printhello(2); }  Done Hi There!!! Console

24 24 Demo 3 Function calling another Function

25 25 Demo 3) Multiple functions /1 float calc(int l, int w) { return l * w; } void print_area(int len, int wid) { cout<< “Area is:“ <<calc(len,wid); } int main() { print_area(4,5);  START HERE }

26 26 Demo 3) Multiple functions /2 float calc(int l, int w) { return l * w; } void print_area(int len, int wid) { cout<< “Area is:“ <<calc(len,wid); } int main() { print_area(4,5); Copy args to params } 4 len 5 wid

27 27 Demo 3) Multiple functions /3 float calc(int l, int w) { return l * w; } void print_area(int len, int wid) { cout<< “Area is:“ <<calc(len,wid);  } int main() { print_area(4,5); } 4 len 5 wid 4 l 5 w

28 28 Demo 3) Multiple functions /4 float calc(int l, int w) { return l * w;  } void print_area(int len, int wid) { cout<< “Area is:“ <<calc(len,wid); } int main() { print_area(4,5); } 4 len 5 wid 4 l 5 w 20

29 29 Demo 3) Multiple functions /5 float calc(int l, int w) { return l * w; } void print_area(int len, int wid) { cout<< “Area is:“ <<20; } int main() { print_area(4,5); } 4 len 5 wid 4 l 5 w 20

30 30 Demo 3) Multiple functions /6 float calc(int l, int w) { return l * w; } void print_area(int len, int wid) { cout<< “Area is:“ <<20;  } int main() { print_area(4,5); } 4 len 5 wid Area is 20 Console

31 31 Demo 3) Multiple functions /7 float calc(int l, int w) { return l * w; } void print_area(int len, int wid) { cout<< “Area is:“ <<calc(len,wid); }  Done, go to line after call int main() { print_area(4,5); } 4 len 5 wid Area is 20 Console

32 32 Demo 3) Multiple functions /8 float calc(int l, int w) { return l * w; } void print_area(int len, int wid) { cout<< “Area is:“ <<calc(len,wid); } int main() { print_area(4,5); }  Done Area is 20 Console

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