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Acquisition of Florida And Monroe Doctrine President #5: James Monroe.

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1 Acquisition of Florida And Monroe Doctrine President #5: James Monroe

2 Florida looks tempting… Who had claimed Florida before it was ceded to the US? Spain. However, they were having trouble with it. Native Americans were attacking people and runaway slaves were hiding out there. Monroe’s Secretary of State, John Quincy Adams, signed a treaty with Spain called the Adams-Onis Treaty. Adams-Onis Treaty Adams-Onis Treaty: In 1819, Spain gave the Florida territory to the US. Spain received no money. However, the US promised to pay up to $5 million in damages that Americans in the territory had inflicted upon Spain.

3 Post-War The War of 1812 is over! Hooray! Now it’s time for the US to turn its attention to its own backyard… South American colonies (owned by Spain) were beginning to revolt against Spain! How do you think the US felt about this? They liked it! Many Americans saw it as the glorious struggle for freedom, like struggle they had once undergone. The US and Britain also liked it for other reasons…Spain did not allow its colonies trade with other countries…How would revolution change this? However, not all of Europe liked this revolution…they wanted to help Spain. Why do you think that is? James Monroe decided something needed to be done.

4 Monroe Doctrine

5 Monroe decided to team up with the British and send a warning message to the other European countries. Monroe Doctrine Monroe Doctrine: In 1823, James Monroe declared that the nations of North and South America were no longer available to colonization. In addition, if any European countries tried to colonize the area more, the US would see it as an act of aggression. Why do you think the US felt it could do this? We were feeling pretty good about ourselves after the War of 1812. We wanted to show the world that people couldn’t mess with us!

6 Reactions… How do you think European countries responded to this? They thought it was arrogant. They felt the US had no right to tell others what to do in North and South America. How do you think Americans responded to this? They loved it! They felt the government was standing up for freedom. A Boston newspaper wrote that if Europeans “attempt to control the destinies of South America they will find…an eagle in their way.” What else does the US get to do if South America becomes independent from Spain? They get to trade with them.

7 Summary

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