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Circle Radius Diameter Tangent Circumference. Angles subtended by the same chord are equal Chord.

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Presentation on theme: "Circle Radius Diameter Tangent Circumference. Angles subtended by the same chord are equal Chord."— Presentation transcript:

1 Circle Radius Diameter Tangent Circumference

2 Angles subtended by the same chord are equal Chord

3 Angle subtended by the same chord at the centre is twice that at the circumference 2a a

4 Angle subtended by the same chord at the centre is twice that at the circumference 25 ○ What is the value of angle a? a a 50 ○ 2a = 180 ○ – 50 ○ 2a = 130 ○ a = 65 ○

5 Cyclic Quadrilaterals

6 The opposite angles of a cyclic quadrilateral add up to 180 ○ A cyclic quadrilateral is a quadrilateral whose vertices all lie on the circumference of a circle. a b Angle a + angle b = 1 80 ○

7 Angle in a semi circle equal 90 ○

8 Radius and Tangent 90\

9 The radius and tangent are at right angles o

10 Tangents to a Circle

11 Two tangents from the same point to a circle are equal


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