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Bullying Ms. Martello St. Francis of Assisi

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Presentation on theme: "Bullying Ms. Martello St. Francis of Assisi"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bullying Ms. Martello St. Francis of Assisi

2 Have you ever felt like this? Have you ever made someone feel like this? Do you know someone who has felt like this?

3 Define the problem What is a bully? Bullying Defined Worksheet1 What does bullying look like? What does bullying sound like?

4 Create one collaborative T Chart with your table members about what bullying looks and sounds like. Bullying sounds like…Bullying looks like…

5 Gather Evidence Have you ever been bullied? OR Have you bullied someone? Bullying Statistics Worksheet2

6 Determine the causes Why do kids bully?Worksheet3 Why do children bully other children? Why do children get bullied?

7 Create one collaborative Venn Diagram comparing why children bully and why children are bullied. Why children bullyWhy children are bullied Why is bullying a problem?

8 Copyright The following websites are included in this PPT to assist students in researching about bullying. What is a bully? Bullying Defined Bullying Statistics Why do kids bully?

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