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The Water Cycle A power point presentation by Patricia Sears.

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1 The Water Cycle A power point presentation by Patricia Sears

2 Water on earth is always changing. Its repeating changes make a cycle. In the water cycle, water from oceans, lakes, swamps, rivers, plants, and even you, can turn into water vapor.

3 How do these changes happen? Evaporation is the process in which liquid water turns into an invisible gas called water vapor. Adding or subtracting heat makes the cycle work.

4 Water vapor condenses into millions of tiny droplets that form clouds. Condensation is the process in which water vapor changes into liquid water. Condensation occurs as air with water vapor in it cools.

5 Clouds lose their water as rain or snow, which is called… Precipitation- occurs when water or a form of ice falls from the atmosphere to Earth’s surface. Precipitation forms when water droplets in clouds grow and become too heavy to stay in the atmosphere. Rain Snow

6 Surface Runoff Much of the water that returns to Earth as precipitation runs off the surface of the land, and flows down hill into streams, rivers, ponds and lakes. Small streams flow into larger streams, then into rivers, and eventually the water flows into the ocean. Surface runoff is an important part of the water cycle because, through surface runoff, much of the water returns again to the oceans, where a great deal of evaporation occurs.

7 The water cycle, also called the hydrologic cycle, is the continuous movement of water between the surface of the earth and the troposphere.

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