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The Formal Paragraph  The formal paragraph is a persuasive piece of writing wherein the author is trying to prove a point or make an argument.

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Presentation on theme: "The Formal Paragraph  The formal paragraph is a persuasive piece of writing wherein the author is trying to prove a point or make an argument."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Formal Paragraph  The formal paragraph is a persuasive piece of writing wherein the author is trying to prove a point or make an argument.

3  In order to successfully prove one’s point, evidence is needed to support the stated idea.

4  Evidence is proof from the text that supports the stated idea. This evidence is always presented as a direct quote form the text.

5  Ideas and opinions are great, but they do not stand on their own; they need proof in order to be validated.

6 Formal Paragraph Style What to do!  Indent at the start of the paragraph  Write out numbers less than two words long  Double space  Use standard font (Times New Roman or Arial for example) in size 12  Use correct MLA citation

7 What NOT to do!  Do not use the 1st person in formal writing  Do not use slang expressions or informal terms  Do not use contractions

8 The Formal Paragraph Structure Sentence One Topic Sentence  Start with your topic sentence / general statement.  Introduce your ideas but do not reveal too much information.  This is also an ideal time to introduce the title of the work and the author.

9 Sentence Two Point #1  The first point in your argument.

10 Sentence Three Proof #1  The proof / evidence for your first point.  This is a direct quote from the text.  You must remember to cite quotes.  Be sure you are choosing the best quote to support your ideas!

11 Sentence Four Explanation #1  The explanation / link / comment on your first point.  This is your opportunity to explain WHY the quote supports your point.  It is possible for your explanation to be more then one sentence.

12 Sentence Five Point #2  The second point in your argument

13 Sentence Six Proof #2  The proof / evidence for your second point.  Again, this is a direct quote from the text.  All of your quotes must be different. You cannot use the same quote to prove two different points.

14 Sentence Seven Explanation #2  The explanation / link / comment on your second point.  Again be sure to explain WHY the quote proves your point.

15 Sentence Eight Point #3  The third point in your argument  You will want to consider the order of your three points.

16 Sentence Nine Proof #3  The proof / evidence for your third point.  This means that you will need to find three different direct quotes to be included in the paragraph.

17 Sentence Ten Explanation #3  The explanation / link / comment on your third point.

18 Sentence Eleven Concluding Statement  The closing statement(s).  This is your opportunity to briefly restate your argument and your points that prove it.  You must never introduce any new information.

19 Your Assignment  The formal paragraph is a way for you to answer a more complex question using specific evidence from the text to support your ideas and opinions, and is the building block for your future essay writing.

20 Topic  Select any one of the three main characters in the novel Pay It Forward, and determine which one specific characteristic best defines or describes that character. Defend your decision using evidence from the text.

21 Specifications  Use any appropriate part of the novel from chapters 1-20 for support of your ideas  Use direct quotes from the text as “proofs”  Proper title page and works cited page  250 words minimum

22 Structure  Topic Sentence  Point 1, Proof 1, Explanation 1  Point 2, Proof 2, Explanation 2  Point 3, Proof 3, Explanation 3  Conclusion

23 Evaluation  See rubric  Knowledge  Thinking  Communication  Application  Total = 100

24 Now it’s time to...

25 Brainstorm Expectations  In your group, you will use your character chart to brainstorm specific characteristics of the character that you have been assigned.  Your group is responsible for writing these characteristics on the white board or chart paper  You have 10 minutes to brainstorm!

26 Brainstorm Groups Group One – Arlene Group Two – Trevor Group Three – Reuben Group Four – Arlene Group Five – Trevor Group Six - Reuben

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